BACARDO profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

This is the part where I pretend like I'm actually important enough to have all my personal imaginations and desires described in intimate detail for any curious gongoozler with a pulse and a computer to read. And then I'm supposed to spawn clever anecdotes and stories to generate a lasting impression so that others in this virtual community may race to my page with praise and an inclination to spread word of my brilliance even farther. Even more, I'm supposed to believe that somewhere among the vast digital conga line of citizen journalists, bloggers, child pornographers, music pirates, voyeurs and gambling addicts that comprise the audience for which I am writing may lurk the beautiful woman of my future or past who recognizes that I am the only person who can fulfill her unique desires. The drama of it all is disgusting isn't it, but that is what is expected of me here. In any fashion, I am expected to submit my interests and personality in a small block of text which would only undoubtedly prove that my interests and personality are about as deep as four sentences. By the way, the above is the first paragraph of my tell-tale, provocative [email protected]
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Mexicanas, gringas, blacks, killas, husslus, busslus, punks, e-tards, mafia, viejas, playas, hoes, fresas, skaters, surfers, iraqius, capitalists, socialists, comunists, europeans, italiane, french, espa?olitas, Musicians, Blind, asians, children, a-dults, assholes, greasers, ex-cons, priests, jews, satanic, romans, chalanes, matones, pasifists, optimists, anti- bush, did I already say captilists, americans, don't careicans, rockers, crackers, slackers, back-packers, and of course beautiful women, ok and i guess not so beautiful women too. There are only two reasons why I want to meet people: one is to take advantage of them, and the other is to be taken advantage of.


PUNK, ROCK, FUNK, DRUM N BASS, TRANCE, HARDCORE......Notice the complete lack of hip hop or R&;B (do they still call it that?). Put me on a dance floor with a hot chick rubbing her ass against my crotch and placing my hands on her breasts while panting heavily in erotic anticipation, sure I can listen to rap. Put me in the middle of rush hour traffic on a Wednesday after nine hours of wasting away staring at a computer screen at the office for less than what transients make begging on the street? Yeah, doesn't seem appropriate...just not very inspiring. What was once a beat on the dance floor becomes a dreadful spew of profanity laced barking. Look, I know he wants to lick lick lick lick her from head to toe but you know what? I just don't care. I just want them to shut shut shut shut the fuck up and stop talking.




The only good program on television is "Jeopardy." And yet, even that sucks. Sitcoms are so unfunny they need a laugh track to tell you when there was a joke, police crime dramas are spawning savvy serial killers everywhere, reality television is as close to being real as my ass crack is close to my ankles, cable news channels have turned current events into a testosterone fueled cockfight driven by giant conglomerates that don't care about the truth if it doesn't make money, game shows prove that the American obsession with money doesn't only reside with the blue-bloods but the blue-collared as well and kids shows are more about cramming their minds with dreams of Cocoa Puffs and Cheetos than the actual program they're watching. Please keep in mind that even in reality shows, the characters are all fiction... So don't ask me whether Shirley or Trisha claimed the bachelor first thing Monday morning. Neither of them exist. It doesn't matter if you paid a hundred or ten thousand dollars for it...don't waste your life away staring at a box. That would be tragic.