-I’m Shanan but most people call me Shay, although one of my best friends has the longest nickname for me: StanlyStacySteamerStalionStacorscky, some of my other nicknames consist of Pixxee, Pixxeestick, Pixxeedust, Tink, Tinkerbell, Shay, Shay-shay, Shay-faye, and Shay-ray…Don’t ask cuz I wont answer.
-I am currently in the 11th grade and just dropped out of Chapin High to do online schooling so i can graduate this year, I have the BEST FRIENDS in the WORLD; I like to BELIEVE they WOULD DO ANYTHING for me but there are probably a few that wouldn’t. MY BEST FRIENDS ARE, KATE CALKIN, GINA GILMORE, CAROLINE SIMMEL,TYLERE LAMBERT, DARNELL TOUSSAINT, DANIEL RUSHING, AND MANY MORE. Some other really good friends of mine are KATELYN YEARTY, ASHLIEGH TUTEN, RYLEIGH BULLOCK, JULIA WILSON, RACHEL DURANT, KIM FRYE, AND MORE. I LOVE my friends and if YOU MESS WITH THEM YOUR MESSING WITH ME.
-I LOVE to SHOP and HAVE FUN, one of my FAVORITE things to do is LAUGH. I am also a WRITER, I WON part of a lit governor writing contest, I have 2 PUBLISHED POEMS and I’m an ART MAJOR. I love PHOTOGRAPHY and I’m also a MODEL AND ACTRESS for JOHN CASABLANCAS (MTM). There are many more things I could tell you about myself, but I don’t feel like it.
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