Te-To # 31 profile picture

Te-To # 31

Me just being my naturally sexy self!!

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Well, I go by Toya, but some of my family and close friends call me Te-To (not from the Jacksons). I play varsity basketball and softball, but I love just about every sport. Some of my hobbies include drawing, playing a sport, and studying (yes, I consider studying a hobby). Oh yeah. I am also a SENIOR this year (yea!!!!), and I would like to give a shout out to ALL my fellow Seniors (DON'T HATE ON THE GREAT 08!!!!). I would also like to give a shout out to all my family members and close friends who are my top friends: Marketia, Lonnie, Ronald, Shay, Britt, Ken, Eb, Tia, Cowren, Ash, Tavia, ShaToya, Terrina, Shantell, Keva, Josh, BIGGIE, Fitz, Gooch, K.P., and C Rich. If I missed anyone, please take it for love because I was listing people from the top of my head.To all the fellas out there, I know what you're probably thinking: "What is this smart, sexy, athletic girl still doing single?" Well, the truth is I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now, especially because of my senior year, because I really don't want to have any drama or stress for my last year of high school. I already know that I may be stressed with all the work and other Senior duties I have to fulfill, and the last thing I need is some boy stressing me out. Now, just because I'm not LOOKING for a guy, doesn’t mean that I don't want one at all. I just want to be with someone who I can just chill with (a good friend), and if that leads to something more than just a friendship, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

My Interests

Cool SlideshowsAll sports, Art

I'd like to meet:

The person I would like to meet the most is Alicia Keys. She is my idol! I can play a few of her songs on my piano, but I don't think that my voice will compare to hers. And GOD!!
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you: Beauty
In a survival situation, you: Freak out
Your hidden talent is: Adaptability
Your gift is: Genius
In groups, you: Are the center of attention
Your best quality is: Your creativity
Your weakness is: Your lack of imagination

Quiz created with MemeGen !


Anything EXCEPT country (with the exception of Carrie Underwood).


Bascily all kinds.


Family Guy, South Park, Lifetime, Next, Real World/Road Rule Challenges, The Simpsons, Malcom in The Middle, Cartoon Network.




Mother, Tamara (AKA Tam-Bam), and Jesus Christ.