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I Love Everything! But my most favorite type is Slow Jams....
I love all the girly movies! Romantic comedies, 80's Movies, Classics and Drama. So pretty much everything except Horror and Action (sorry guys). Here are a few of my favorites: The Notebook, Sleepless in Seattle, You've got mail, Under the Tuscan sun, Ever After...I know, I'm so sappy.
I haven't watched much t.v lately but if I am, I'm probably watching: Movies on TBS, The Food Network, Re-runs of Sex and the City, That 70's show, or Desperate Housewives. Maybe it's just me but I'm getting kinda sick of those reality shows.
I'm currently reading THE MONEY BOOK for the YOUNG, FABULOUS & BROKE by Suze Orman and SMART COUPLES FINISH RICH by David Bach. I recommend it for us young adults or anyone that need financial planning or guidance who want to have a successful financial future.
My mom! She is such a STRONG and BEAUTIFUL woman who has endured many hardships and sacrifices.