Loads: poverty alleviation, economic and social development, CARS, human behaviour (we are fascinating), poetry, music,movies, books (yes I love to read), oh yeah CARS, an occassioanl night out, recently begun getting into theatre, travel, cultural exchange and a whole load of stuff.. Recently I've been making what I hope to be a very profitable forray into the entertainment industry.
JESUS, ALLAH, OSHUN, OGUN,ODIN, THOR, the LIGHT, GANESHA whoever people pray to as GOD. but (and this is an important "but") NOT in the conventional sense (as in dying).
Hip Hop, RnB, Soul, some Reggae, some jazz some classical.
I can't stand pop and that thing they call Reggae Tone.
Rick Ross - Push It
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Anything cool I'm really easy to please when it comes to movies - apart from dumb teen flicks and sappy romantic comedies and unfunny comedies - I'm good to go. Recently, Crash was excellent, so was Pirates of the Carribbean 2 - I loved Gone in 60 Secs for obvious reasons, Hotel Rwanda was powerful in way that I haven't seen since Roots, the Lord of the Rings Triology was a visual treat!
News, Sports, some sitcoms, animal shows.
Any decent fantasy novel, other good authors I like are thriller authors like Balducci, Patterson (James), Childs and DeMille.
The usual but I also greatly appreciate all those people who stay in the struggle because it's right, when they could easily fall off and take an easier (wrong) route. All those of us - The mothers who strive just to make ends meet....The fathers who damn near break - giving their families some dignity To all of US that sacrifice so much we can't see Just so another loved one may have a better life in whatever way possible for however long or fleeting.