My Super Sexy Girlfriend ♥sushi, Skateboarding, Drawing, art, random everyday things, movies, tea, making music, T-shirts, camo shorts, Plaid, tiger balm, Horror,bape,obey,grnappletree,candy!
Ive already met my Princess!!.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
is Love!
DeaD AliVe, CeMeTary MaN, DeaD&BreaKfasT, EviL DeaD, EviL Dead2, ArMy oF DarKneSs, BeeTleJuiCe, DraCula, NighT oF The LivInG DeaD, Lord of the Rings, DawN oF The Dead, The MoNsTer SquaD, WayNe's World, V for Vendetta, lords of dogtown
Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Ren & Stimpy, My name is earl, the office, the Munsters...