My dad who is the hardest working man I know and is always there for us. He doesn't have all the money in the world, but he is the richest person I know....My mom who has always worked one way or another and never had too. She has always been there for us even at our weakest moments. I love my parents more than anything....My husband who works harder than ever just so I can have everything....he works so I can stay home and takes chances so we can have the best of everything. I love you baby3....My sister who I have grown closer to in the past 7 months. She is the kindest person and will do anything for anyone even when she has been burned so many times. She has a heart of gold...Bev who's husband was in Iraq for 7 months and had to raise her daughter while she was pregnant with their son. I might not tell her, but she is my hero for hanging in there and knowing she can do it on her own even if it was the hardest thing she has ever done. I love each and everyone one of you more than you will ever know...The men and women who fight for our country!