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About Me

Brutals Hails I..m Death... another dark essence walking on the impure roads of this desert that we have for town, a human that hides behind the storm to evade so much stupid people that want to change to me.. But nothing and no one can change this lonely soul to be another stupid girl...I like the way I..m... I love the Death Metal, it really make me good and make disappear all the stress that every day one can get...Welcome to my word and enjoy the stand in the Death..s place......DEATH METAL KEEPS GOING ON......To Who wants to talk my msn is: [email protected]

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cannibal Members: Alex Webster, Paul Mazurkiewicz, Pat O'Brien, George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, Rob Barret... Lord Worm(Cryptopsy)And I wanna Know to my king.... BUgRA.....

My Blog

Barinas Xtreme Metal Fest

This 6th June Barinas will open the sky to the invasion of the Evil, exactly in Barinitas seven xtreme bands kill the people and fuck some asses... I..m talking about some bands... the best of the bes...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 15:41:00 GMT

Poem to my King

The waves keep movingand the silent windhits softly my face.I can..t hear the ocean..s noise ..causeI just losted my head.I..m still looking at the sun going downslowly while I stay here for you.I jus...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 10:13:00 GMT

I..m so sad

I am so sad today... I was reading the page from my "Boyfriend" He is so far away from here, and I think that maybe he does the same with many girls around the world... I know that the page is ab...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 09:17:00 GMT


I want to fly, reach there where you are,I wanna live the madness one time, two times,the necessary times just to know till where it could be,hold you, touch you, feel you, kiss you..Wanna give and sh...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 10:42:00 GMT


Un minuto en silencioes lo que pido,un minuto a solaspara pensarpara verque se puede hacer...Un minuto conmigo mismapara poder disfrutar de mi soledadpara poder probar los labiossecos y frios de mi am...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 15:48:00 GMT

Mi lujuria

Silenciosa la noche se acerca,silencioso el viento acecha,una nube gris se posa sobre miy los latidos de mi corazon resurgen,mis ojos llorososse niegan a seguir viendoel arribo del ave nocturnoque rev...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:45:00 GMT

Deseos de Muerte

Son solo sueƱos los calidos deseos de esta muerte, son solo vanas las palabras que en estas paginas escribo, es sin duda alguna una abominaciĆ³n Amar!!! Amar es la fuerza del alma reducida en odio, ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:11:00 GMT

Aqui Dejandome llevar

Aqui dejandome llevar por la musica... Escuchando full Death Metal y dejando mi mente en libertad, salir por un rato de la tortura de los dias de esta ciudad tan agitada... Sobrevolando las altas temp...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:38:00 GMT