For any bookings contact: [email protected] its DJ Furious here Welcometo my official myspace, I DJ UK Grime/Garage music for any updates just keep on checking my page, am part of 2 movements which are GPP & Eskibeat Recordings.
I have now been a DJ for about 3 to 4 years i really started getting really serious last year this is when the gpp movement had started.
My inspiration to DJ started when i used to listen to radio stations like:Rinse,Freeze,Raw Mission just to name a few. Then i my uncle gave me somemusic equipment which included decks and was just messing around just expermenting then after about a month or two i relised i had a passion to DJ so ikeeped at it practicing then as you do i improved, after a couple of months i started to buy records and i have just keeped on at it ever since.
Mixtape Downloads
Click on the mixtape cover links below to download free mix cds that I have released: