Improv, Sketch, Comedy, Writing, Running, Scrapbooking, Theatre, Acting, Reading, Cooking, Baking, Second City, Bad Dog Theatre, Hockey, Ottawa Senators, Calgary, Calgary Flames, horses, Spruce Meadows, RODEOS, and Cowboys!!
I have more musical interests than can be written in this little box. But, Jann Arden is my girl.
i LOVE movies.
I watch the food network. It is my religion. I also try to catch Grey's Anatomy and Canada AM. I absolutely love Canadian TV. I'm shattered that This Is Wonderland has been cancelled. I've recently become obsessed with Paradise Falls ...oooh the melodrama is wonderful!
Anything by John Irving ... particularly A Prayer for Owen Meaney. But I'll read anything or everything. I've grown particularly obsessed with Canadian Fiction. Since meeting Joseph Boyden (briefly at work) i must recommend Three Day Road!!!
Mark McKinney, Catherine O'Hara, Christopher Guest, Jann Arden, Molly Shannon, and everyone who is living their dreams.