people who understand that you don't have to like everybody in order to be a nice person. people who understand that writing a blog does not help change the world. people who understand that lying to, "not hurt some one's feelings", does make them a liar and is wrong. people who understand that posting, "find a home for this doggy", on craigs list is not philanthropy. people who understand that money may not buy happiness but it sure does make life much more enjoyable. people who understand that even though they look like a model, it is still important to be able to spell correctly. people who understand that if they tailgate in traffic, they do not get to their destination any quicker. people who understand that drinking to where you blackout and get behind the wheel is alcoholism. people who understand that there are bad dogs. people who understand that mtv and rap videos are not reality. people who understand that enough is enough. people who understand that there are consequences to their actions. people who understand that you get out of life what you put into it. people who understand when to step aside and when to clear a path. people who understand that putting a bumper sticker on their car does not equal profound thought. people who understand that they will probably not know what they have until it's gone. people who understand the tao te ching. people who understand that sometimes you have to go backward in order to go forward. people who understand.