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Olivia Adriaco entre musique et rire
Olivia Adriaco, known as presenter with French television since 1991, records in 2003 an album which surprises everyone. It is a true return to the source because Olivia began the music at seventeen years. It accompanied David Hasselhoff as a chorus-singer on the TV Shows during its French tour. Its musical universe Anglo-Saxon and is directed towards Pop the Rock- music Blues. Its influences are Portishead and Morsheeba. At the beginning of 2004, publishes its first album, "Ambiguous" of 12 songs in English with the multiple influences, of the rock'n'roll FM to the blues. A success in a French musical landscape rather dull. Follows a Small tour room like some appearances as a guest of artist to the international fame, for example Beverly Jo White, in the concert hall "Spirit of 66" on April 9, 2004. Its complicity with Beverly as its resumption of a standard of Janis Joplin "Mercedes Benz" fills with wonder the room by its control at the song and its ease on scene. All the 12 titles of its album can be listened on its official site:
Olivia Adriaco, connue comme presentatrice a la television Francaise depuis 1991, enregistre en 2003 un album qui surprend tout le monde. Cest un veritable retour au source car Olivia a commence la musique a dix sept ans. Elle a accompagne David Hasselhoff en tant que choriste sur les plateaux tele pendant sa tournee Francaise. Son univers musical est anglo-saxon et oriente vers la musique Rock- Pop- Blues. Ses influences sont Portishead et Morsheeba. Debut 2004, sort son premier album, Ambiguous de 12 chansons en anglais aux influences multiples, du rock FM au blues. Une reussite dans un paysage musical Francais assez morne. Suit une tournee de petite salle ainsi que quelques apparitions en tant qu invitee d artiste a la renommee internationale, par exemple Beverly Jo White, au "Spirit of 66" le 9 avril 2004. Sa complicite avec Beverly ainsi que sa reprise dun standard de Janis Joplin Mercedes Benz emerveille la salle par sa maitrise du chant et son aisance sur scene. Tout les titres de son album peuvent etre ecoute sur son site officiel:
Marraine de SOS SAHEL International France: