I'd like to meet:
This little guy (who's now 20):
Gedhun Choekyi Nyima , 11th
Panchen lama, political prisoner in China, arrested at the age of 6, in 1995. He is still in custody. His situation is the symbol of the tragedy of the tibetan people, OUR tragedy. He is the stone cut from the mountain.
He has the Spirit of Truth as defender.
An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest.
Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and had him stand beside him.
Then he said to them, "Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all—he is the greatest."
"Master," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us."
"Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you."
Luke 9:46-50
OPEN UP YOUR EYES : a brief history
The successive Panchen lamas form a reincarnation lineage which are said to be the incarnations of
Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha is a compound of the Sanskrit words amita ("without bound,
infinite") and bha ("
light, splendor"). Consequently, the name of Amitabha is to be interpreted as "
infinite light". The term "Buddha Amitabha" is simply translatable as "Fully Conscious Infinite Light". I am.
Through his efforts, Amitabha created the "Pure Land" (净土, Chinese: jìngtÅ; Japanese: jÅdo; Vietnamese: tịnh Ä‘á»™) called SukhÄvatÄ« (Sanskrit: "possessing happiness") . SukhÄvatÄ« is situated in the uttermost west, beyond the bounds of our own world. By the power of his vows, AmitÄbha has made it possible for all who call upon him to be reborn into this land, there to undergo instruction by him in the dharma and ultimately become bodhisattvas and buddhas in their turn (the ultimate goal of MahÄyÄna Buddhism). From there, these same bodhisattvas and buddhas return to our world to help yet more people.
The Great Buddha of Kamakura is a bronze statue of Amida Buddha (Name of Amitabha Buddha in Japan) that is located on the grounds of the Kotokuin Temple (Japan).
Following the unexpected death of the 10th Panchen Lama in 1989, the search for his reincarnation quickly became mired in political controversy. Chadrel Rinpoche, the head of the search committee, was able to secretly communicate with the Dalai Lama. However, after the Dalai Lama announced Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as the new Panchen Lama, Chinese authorities arrested Chadrel Rinpoche, who was replaced with Sengchen Lobsang Gyaltsen. Sengchen had been a political opponent of the previous Panchen Lama, as had the Dalai Lama himself.
The new search committee decided to ignore the Dalai Lama's announcement and choose the Panchen Lama from a list of finalists, which did not include Gedhun Choekyi Nyima,
by drawing lots from the Golden Urn. Gyancain Norbu was announced as the search committee's choice on November 11, 1995.
Why did chinese authorities abduct the Panchen lama ? Because, traditionally, the Panchen lama is the one who recognises the new Dalai lama's incarnation (and vice versa). Retaining captive the Panchen lama is the mean to decapitate the tibetan buddhism by interrupting the continuity of tibetan spiritual history. Why is China so afraid of the tibetan buddhism ? Is power defeated by loving kindness ? I guess so.
When did we see you sick or in prison and come to see you?"
The King will answer them, "I tell you the truth. What you did for even the smallest of these people you did for me. They are my brothers." Matthew 25:39-40
But all things that are exposed are made manifest
by the light, for whatever makes manifest
is light.
Ephesians 5:13
(The situation of the Panchen Lama makes manifest the darkness of our world. He is a manifestation of the infinite light, which makes darkness
Follow the greatest sun for a whole day
From east (buddhism) to west (the Golden Gate - San Francisco - Los Angeles - California) - History
The Phoenix (again)
On a hill top, on a sky-rise
Like a first born child
At full tilt, and in full flight
Defeat darkness, breaking daylight
The Earth is round : 365° : A whole year :I see the sun rising : I know that I am : You know that you are : We know that we are
En route for the great awakening
Ignorance can't keep on ruling the world. It's gonna kill us. The way we're on is absurd. The planet is suffering. The 'system' is BLIND. The light must be put on
the roof of the world to be
seen by anyone. The Panchen lama MUST go back to Tibet. Our efforts will be rewarded : we will learn compassion, respect of nature. A new era of peace is about to begin. A complete transformation is awaiting us : a revelation. We will be revealed by the light; enlightened,
we will know that we are. Inside and outside will be alike. The wound will be healed (
great, great joy). The Panchen lama is the light of this world and he is
in jail. He lights the way that leads to a world where
children are the measure, the ONLY right measure. What is the situation of children in the world we know today ? The Tibetan people takes great care of their children. Just what this world needs.
“No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light."
Luke 11:33.
My friends,time to come back togeteher.
"Therefore it is said:
“ Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And I will give you light.â€Ephesians, 5:13-14
Signs of the End of this Age
“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place†(
let the reader understand),
“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Matthew, 24:15-16
Reader, follow this link Tibet
By helping the tibetan people, we will help the chinese people and find a new confidence. We must work to set up a new planetary organization, to heal humanity. Existing institutions seem IMPOTENT !!! Why ? There's work for everyone. Come on !!!! Some peoples can't be allegedly free (what kind of freedom are we talking of ? Comfort of the consenting slave ?) against others. WE CAN ONLY BE FREE
Tibet Today
* Invaded by China in 1949, Tibet has suffered loss of life, freedoms and human rights under communist Chinese domination. In March 1959, an uprising against the Chinese occupation in Tibet was crushed and the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s temporal and spiritual leader, was forced to escape into exile in India, followed by 80,000 Tibetans. The Dalai Lama now heads the Tibet Government-In-Exile in India.
* More than one million Tibetans – a sixth of the population – have died as a result of the occupation.
* Tibetans are now a minority in their own country due to the continuous influx of Chinese immigrants.
* Tibetans are imprisoned and routinely tortured for religious practice and resistance to the occupation.
* More than 6,000 monasteries have been looted and demolished.
* The Tibetan plateau ecosystem, as well as wildlife and forests, have been devastated for Chinese profit.
* Tibet has been used as a site for production of nuclear weapons.
It's the same power on both sides but not with the same face : brutal in China, insidious in Occident (cf, in blog section, the excerpt of the book of Alexis de Tocqueville,
Democracy in America where he describes the future of democracy as a soft despotism where people don't have to think anymore, being ANESTHETIZED. How could they remember ?).This very same power which is keeping humanity in slavery.
How so-called democratic countries could be trusted and heard when our governements act so cynically (follow the weapons)? What about international institutions ? Who do they represent ? Whose interests ? I know only one interest : the one of the smallest. Do we want to regain our honor ? We've been passive and silent for too long. Time has come to raise up and speak up!!!!
And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written:
" 'My house will be called
a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it 'a den of robbers.'"
Mark 11:17
It is said that we have no soul anymore, only brain !!! I call it a
Soul is a principle of RESISTANCEÔ mon âme amoureuse