Instructions: This coding, starting with the cite tag above should go into your "i'd like to meet" section and should be the only thing in your i'd like to meet section. You may leave these instructions in place for reference, as they will not appear on your profile.You may edit anything between div tags in this section or edit images or anything requiring a url. However, as you do this, be extremely careful not to delete any starting or ending html tags or things like quotes, as deleting something could make your profile not work. I'm Ally - Made In cameroon - 21 Years old - living Somewhere in France - I like many kinds of music - i'm just a little crazy... oki very! - i'm a little stupid sometimes - i want to be a star in the sky, someone wants to help me to realiz my dream??! No? OK.. I understand! - i divorced with Love this year - i'm Married With my Invisible man - I love ColorzZ - I Wish i was Pretty - My main job is to Sleep and to eat! - Ask me 4 more...
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+ See My Face More +
I'm Just a girl like the others but so different at the same time!