Vik {Single} profile picture

Vik {Single}

About Me

Age: about 17/18 in Goblet of Fire; 19/20 as of last book- 'Half-Blood Prince' Vizarding Academy Attended: Durmstrang Institute; Location of Zchool: Somevhere in Northern Europe.
Physical Description: I am thin, dark, and zallow zkinned, vith a large curved nose and thick black eyebrows.
Wand: 10 1/4" 'ornbeam with a dragon 'eartstring core, "quite rigid, thicker than one usually sees"; Wandmaker: Gregorovitch
I vas recruited to play on da Bulgarian National Team for da 1994 Quidditch Vorld Cup. In a turn of events that vill proably be remembered forever, I caught the Znitch, but my team (Bulgaria's National team) lost to Ireland.
I vas recruited to play for da Pro-Quidditch team vhile ztill a ztudent at Durmstrang. [Fred Weasley implied he was the only decent player on the team.] Many didn't kno dat i vas ztill a ztudent.
I became champion for Durmstrang in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. My competition vas Fleur Delacour of 'Beauxbatons', Cedric Digory (My best friend) of 'Hogwarts' and the unexpected 4th champion - 'arry Potter of 'Hogwarts'. I did not vin the competition.
I enjoyed zvimming in da 'ogwarts lake during my visit (despite the giant zquid)
Since I am a bit zurly looking, my aloofnezz makez me look more like a grumpy guy. I zeem to be a bit zhy despite my 'rough around the edges' appearance. Vhen all uz championz vere together for the first time, I zort of ztood avay by myself. I don't 'ave a lot of confidence vith girlz, I 'ung out in the library for days trying to get up the nerve to talk to 'erm-own-ninny. But once I vas comfortable i zeems to zpeak more, I vas rather chatty vith 'erm-own-ninny at da Yule Ball. I guess it vas zmooth zailing once I broke da ice and asked 'er out.
I vas a little jealous of 'arry vhen a nosey reporter zpread false ztories about the nature of 'arry and 'erm-own-ninny's relationzhip. zeemed a little intimidated vhile asking 'arry about it and I vas very 'appy to find out it vas all a lie.
I only appeared in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', but am still a minor secondary character in 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' (only through the fact 'ermione was still writing to him). In a 2004 chat, JK Rowling confirmed that I vill appear in a future book.
JK Rowling vas vague vhen asked if anything 'appened between 'erm-own-ninny and me over da summer (the summer between books 4 and 5) she only mentioned Ron vould love to know vhat 'appenned (which implies there's something for 'im to know).

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My friends from avround da vorld

My Blog

girlz pleeze fill dis out for me!

Please fill this out!   what would you do if I?1. I made a move on u:2. I kissed you:3. I lived next door to you:4. I started smoking:5. I asked you on a date:6. I was hospitalized:7. I ran away ...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:07:00 GMT