mUsic, bOoks, fOod, mOvies, bAsketbAll,swimmIng, sOccer..
John Mayer...awwwww.....
jOhn mayer,sOapdish, sAndwich, pArokyA ni EdgAr, orAnge and lEmons..
fOrrest gump, twO weeks nOtice, hOw tO lOse a guy in 10 days,silence Of the lambs, s0mewhere in timE, my big fAt greek wedding, center stagE, save the last dAnce, the piAnist.kiLL biLL, 50 fIrst dAtes, spderman 2, the devil wears prAda, jOhn tucker must die, hOstel (lol),,
CSI,hOuse, desperate hOusewives, cOoking shOws..
I like to read sO i guess any but I dOn't like bOring bOoks either..
thEre arE tOo many herOes in mAH lifE..