Figure skating, curling for loonies, crumping, yoga, fencing, Xbox, surfing, having sex, snowboarding, waxing the pole, gardening, playing guitar, water aerobics, and sculpting
Oh so much...
Too many to list
Simpsons, Dora the Explorer, Family Guy, The Young and The Restless, Lost, South Park, Family Matters, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, Full House, and Aqua Teen...
A Catcher in the Rye, Where's Waldo, Hamlet, The Giving Tree, Beowulf, 1984, Capitan Underpants, A Farewell to Arms, The Hitchikers to the Galaxy, The Illiad, To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Seven Chinese Brothers, and Mr. Boston's
Kurt Angle, My dad, Cesar Chavez, My mom, Spiderman, Ziggy, Bill Clinton, Kevin Federline, and Clay Aiken