" / Get Your Own Voice Player ManageIn The World
Of Ashley;Getting the most out of life." I am always down to do things by the seat of my pants. I love going out with my friends. I'm into playing sports, watching sports, and being outdoors. I totally go by the motto, "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE," so, I always try to make the best out of even bad things.
I'd like to meet:
Jenna Jameson ,Kenny Chesney, Tim Mcgraw, Marilyn Monroe(if she was alive)..
I love All kinds of music, I listen to anything and yes that includes country, LIVE with it!
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Jenna Jamesons Biography (Very Good) Thats it unless it's magazines
My Sisters! My Family, friends,God, Jenna Jameson & Marlyin Monroe!! All of these people have made me who i am today and have made me realize that who cares what people think about you! YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE! Don't ever change it!
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