Lovelace profile picture


Brandon made me do it...

About Me

I am days away from graduating excited! I'm movin to Lynden, working full-time at Dream Dinners, coaching Cheer, and leading kids to love Jesus. Sounds like a good plan...:)Create or get your
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My Interests

My top three favorites are defiently FOOTBALL, ministry and coaching. I could pitch a tent at Qwest field and live the rest of my life there and I would probably be the happiest person alive, well maybe that's a bit over board, but .... I love my youth students and finding new and creative ways to teach/show them how to love God. Coaching is such a great way for me to mix my two passions: sports and people.

I'd like to meet:

Oprah, Nelson Mandela, Will Ferell


dashboard, damien rice, Jimmy eat world, delirous, Jason Upton, India Arie, Joss Stone, Corrine Bailey Rae, the Format, the Frey, Tyrone Wells, Brandon Paris band, switchfoot, relient k, Corey Crowder, COLBIE CAILLAT!


Dodgeball, Elf, Napolean Dynomite, Dumb and Dumber, Anchorman, anything and everything with Will Ferrell in it. I could just stare at a picture of Will and laugh for that weird?


Big Brother, Friends, ESPN (during football season), the NFL draft, Oprah


Anything to do on leadership or youth ministry, the BIBLE,


My parents, its not everyday you get to celebrate 25 years of marriage with two people. My cousin Brittany, she went through a rough patch for a couple of years and came out stronger. Not only is she one of my best friends, but a loving mother, wife and daughter.