JO profile picture


DUDE, that should be your myspace quote.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone who thinks that me laughing at my own jokes is ok.




i want every movie to look as amazing as 300.




my dad. he is the strongest person i know. if i say my dad u may picture just some guy. but if u knew him you would probably want to go out and party with him. my dad is like the funniest person youll ever meet. he puts up with so much shit from my mom who we both try to stay away from its rediculous. hes like a kid trapped in this old dude. haha. my dad is the best person in the world and all he wants is to make everyone around him as hapy as possible. i dont know what i would do without him

My Blog


why is it that we learn everything that we do from eachother. why is it programmed into us that we cannot be individual people with personal opinions. you derive your opinions through experiences and...
Posted by McJo on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:59:00 PST