Whistler, the Lorax profile picture

Whistler, the Lorax

I speak for the trees which you are chopping as fast as you please, im also in charge of the brown b

About Me

Matthew Phillip Johnson made billions from creating a pill that makes people be happy constantly.
... afterward, Matthew Phillip Johnson tried to cover up a bizarre love triangle involving them and two monkeys.
'How will you be remembered in history books?' at QuizGalaxy.com

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
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You Are a Fortune Cookie
You're a rather normal person, except that you have extraordinary luck in life.
People want to be around you (even when they're a little sick of you), in hopes of being lucky too! What Kind of Cookie Are You?This whole myspace thing is pritty new to me...so is the web...and I don't usualy go into detail on my self bbbbuuuuutttt sense that is the purpouse of this site here goes. "i speak for the trees for the tree's have no toungs, once-lers" I cried with a cruffulous croak," Once-lers! You're makeing such smogulous smoke! My poor swomee-swans... why they can't sing a note! No one can sing who has smog in his throat." and so i said "-please pardon my cough-they cannot live here. So im sending them off. Where will they go?... I don't hopefull know. They may have to fly for a month... or a year...To escape from the smog you've smogged-up around here." I will have to give a phisical discription. Lets see, I am 6'3'' brown curly hair passed my shoulderblades. My eyes change with the seasons, differant shades of green for spring and summer at fall my eyes change towards blue-green and then grey-green through the winter. I am 185 lbs in shape if it matters. My skin tone is very tanned natural color, I am mostly Lithuanian but I certanly gots the polak in me and the irish and black foot and well...I am kindof a mutt but who isn't huh?Currently I have a full beard....thats right chops and all, though I could shave it I would rather not so bleh. and the ocean stole my glasses so up yours Jeb!. I LOVE the outdoors infact I live outdoors, well most of the time. I do come around to see friends and family so I geuss I am more of a wanderer. I bet everyone will be glad to hear that I am currently unemployed and have been for a long while, truth be told I wish everyone would forget about money for a change it's the worst in all of us. though that is also why I have no pictures hehe no money no camra no pics get it. I meen comeone lets see you build a camra with sticks!meeheh~ I am a musichian, a poet, a hardworker, a brother, a lover, a never-cheater...some of the time, a happy individual, a slightly less than average singer, I am a stoner and a flyer but never try to get higher, and it seems I am the one stuck with tears. I breath, I bleed and I twitch all the time but only when time permits. I fall fast from a tree and even faster through water, when I decide the bottem is where I want to be I go there, oh and by the way, I will stay for eternity if you let me. But other than that I am everything you can think of, everything you are, because there are no limits in the universe and we are part of it, so let there be freedom to all who want it and let uncertainty guide your soul.OH! and now I'm an uncle! P.S. sticks are sweet, take it from meatwad
Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 60%
Lust: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Envy: 0%
Gluttony: 0%
Greed: 0%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice. How Sinful Are You?
Your Brain's Pattern
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. What Pattern Is Your Brain?
Your Birthdate: December 15
You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things.
You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle.
Making the little things wonderful is important to you, and you probably have an inviting home.
You seek harmony with others, but occasionally you have a very stubborn streak.
Your strength: Your intense optimism
Your weakness: You shy away from exploring your talents
Your power color: Jade
Your power symbol: Flower
Your power month: June What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
How will you die? (25 possibilities)

Beaten to death with your own severed limb.
It is unclear how it's going to happen or who the perpetrator will be, but someday very soon, someone is going to remove one of your beloved limbs and use it as a cudgel to brain you to death. They will never be caught. The limb will never be found. Your lucky numbers are 4, 18 and 221.
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What Anime are You?

You don't take shit from anyone, and your concentrated-badass attitude should tell everyone that right from the start. You have your own style and way of doing things, and rarely do you let others cramp it. While you have a tough exterior, moments of remarkable meaningfullness and understanding can often be found with you.
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*STONER- Lights a cigarette just before your ready to light up. *POTHEAD- Knows that there is a cipher and a cig will disrupt that and is best left for the end of the session. *ST- Buys "weed" in small doses (dime bags and such). *PH- Not only buys "What ever the latest avoid the cops lingo is" by weight but has memorized the weight system as well. *ST- Throws the weed when cops are around. *PH- Eats the weed because if I'm getting arrested I might as well go in with a killer buzz.
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What Fantasy Archetype Are you?

The Weird Guy In The Hut In The Swamp
You are The Weird guy In the Hut In the Swamp. In addition to talking funny, you're like Tom Bombadil (LoTR), The Lady of the Lake (Arthurian Legend), Yoda (Star Wars), The Beavers (Narnia), Old Bailey (Neverwhere), Hagrid (Harry Potter) and Adie (Wizard's First Rule). you are weird and strange. You isolated yourself from the world among your own private powers/library/artifacts. You usually have something important to teach or give the Unlikely Hero that will enable him to defeat the Totally Wicked Villain. When he comes, remember that young people are impatient and will never see the connection between their goals and crotchety old people.
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What kind of King are you?

Philosopher King
You are a philosopher king! thoughtful and wise, you believe that there is definately a right and wrong way of doing things, even if we don't know it yet, and you think that search is worthwhile. You are concerned not so much with democracy and liberalism/conservatism so much as doing the right thing independant of the majority's opinion and conventions. You have never existed in history, but are a goal that many hope to achieve, offering divine insight and wisdom unto subjects to create a utopic city-state. Ideally, that is.
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What Martial Art Are You?

You're style is Aikido (Aikikai)! You are calm and centered, but deadly when attacked! You redirect your opponent's force, making your defense your offense. Aikido is versatile and non-violent, stressing harmony and circular motion instead of direct confrontation. You are very concerned with seeing yourself truly and letting your soul reach a pure and hightened state. Knowledgeable and patient, you leave your fallen opponents wondering just what happened.
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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)
Ultimate Elemental Dragon
You are the true ultimate dragon. You have the powers of all the other elemental dragons. You control everything and have interests in every part. for example the fire dragon loves things to do with fire whereas you like fire, water, lightning etc etc. You are considered dragon royalty.(NOTE: THIS DRAGON WAS HAND DRAWN BY ME)
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What Angel Are You (Beautiful Anime Pics for Most Answers)
Dream Angel
You are a dream angel. You let people become so relaxed that they have peacful dreams. You also hold the key to the dream relm and allow happy things to happen. You don't belong on earth, but you wander peoples dreams, spreading them with joy. :)
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what final fantasy character are you most like?
You are a monkey dude and the brave hero of final Fantasy IX.
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What is your Paranormal gift?

Reading minds... what am I thinking? Hehe, just kidding. But you always know what others are thinking, if you want. You can be a smart alec at times but you don't care, because you probably know everybodies secrets and have a smug little smirk on your face. Oh well, just don't abuse it. O.o
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What Kind of Wings Does your Soul Possess?

Gargoyle Wings
Your soul posesses Gargoyle Wings! You are a lonely soul seeking solace in solitude. You spend many hours brooding. Your pessimistic outlook makes the more joyous beings feel gloomy and depressed. Like a Gargoyle you sit and watch while time rolls on.
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What Kind Of Blood Rushes Through Your Veins?

Elven people.... pointy eared, quick sorta people. Hmm. Your an earth lover, and prefer there not to be any violence. Your a pretty nice person, most of the time, and tend to avoid others, since pretty much everyone else seems to be a nutcase. Trust me, I feel for ya. Oh well. Calm down, I don't think the evils that seem to have gripped the hearts of others will grip your own pure heart. Being the earth lover you are, you don't really like using guns or missles, since they could hurt the earth, so swords and bows and Arrows tend to find their way into your hands...
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What Aura Colour Are You?
Having a black aura is very rare. Usually black auras are around a person who has passed. You may have an emotional illness, or you may just have a black aura. Dont worry if you have a black aura or if you see one around a person, for black auras do not mean death. However, if you do see a black aura around a living person, I advise you be careful.
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What is your guardian creature?

Your guardian is an angel. It makes you a kind sweet person, and you love to be around people, but you tend to be gullable. Your guardian spirit has to work hard when you get yourself into a situation when you trusted the wrong people.
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What Kind of Soul do you have?

Regular Human
You have the soul of a plain old meat bag, you live your life out as a human, good and bad in nature, you have equal balance and could end up residing in heaven or hell
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What Type Of Sword Are You?(((Cool Pictures)))
Chinese Sword

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Find Your True Magical Element Power(with pictures)
Forest element is an amazing element to control. You can bring plants back to life, create more plants by imagining it, or even wither a plant. You can listen to what the old trees have to say, which is very beneficial, since they have been around for a long time and have an amazing knowledge. You have a special connection with mirrors, and you can even charge a mirror with magic, so that it will have certain powers.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
You are Dark Chocolate
You live your life with intensity, always going full force.
You push yourself (and others) to the limit... you want more than you can handle.
An extreme person, you challenge and inspire the world! What Kind of Chocolate Are You?

My Interests

EVERYTHING! GOD! I would hope everyone was interested in life. But I will say I like jammin, chillin, fighting with sticks, training, love, saddness, fire, dirt, warm and cool breezes, the sound of a forge, the wip of a blade, and all manner of living things. Riddels, questions, answers, REDNECKS, samuri, ninjas, bongs swords and bowls *BSB*,the woods! rivers, oceans mountains, dreams mine and yours, walking running flying, and dieing, that last one may go misunderstood to some, but to those of you who truly "know"...PISS OFF YA BLOODY WANKERS!!!~

I'd like to meet:

Jimmy H. where ever he be and for that matter every briliant mind that ever graces exsistance. Yes that includes you.then again I know you all aready...don't I?


I make my own. but yours is nice. Acctually the Wainwright family is some of my favorite music. I love all types but back woods jamming is the best, nothing better than a bunch of friends playing thier hearts out just for the moment just for the love, and maybe a few roasted apples. YUM BITCHES!


I realy don't have a preferance, But homemade I think is the way to go. BUT The Boondocksaints was the shit!!!


Forget it I don't watch the boob tube, unless it's newyears or your watching it when I am there but I love animie some favorites are cowboy bebop and samuri champloon. Other than that everything, cause thats how I role fool!


Anything I can get my hands on, but I do find the Cronicles of Amber to be Amazing. AND wait till you see what my brother is writing *chuckle* your world will never be the same after Panabury. watch for gerni's comic...hell watch for everything new! and never forget the past it's who you are.


Everyone is my hero, you are all my insparation my life my love. My mother my father my brothers and sisters, the ones from the north and the south, from the east and west! world! you are too great to comprehend! AND I LOVE YOU!!please love yourself. Cause if ya don't I might have to put the old hurt on ya! !*hoooohaa*!
How will you die? (25 possibilities)

Mugged, raped and shot by midget street gang.
You thought they were cute. You just wanted to meet one, to let him know you feel his pain, to tell him to keep fighting the good fight. What you got instead was ambushed by a horde of them. They took your shoes, your watch, your jewelry and your money. A few of them held you down. They were incredibly strong! Some of them kicked and beat you while others inserted things much larger than you would expect a midget's penis to be into your rectum. You bled profusely. And after they were done with you, they tagged you (Southside Midgie Crew) and mercifully ended the indignity by bustin' a cap in your ass, beeyotch.
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