I have an obsession with Tori Amos. I graduated in the top 90 percent of my high school class. I used to be a body piercer...I'm not any more. I have friends. Best Buy has to be my worst addiction. My wife is beautiful! My dog is cute. I like the show Heros. Steve Niles is what some would say "the man!" Horror movies rock. Horror comics rock. I need to get my car tags. I have an unhealthy amount of zombie dreams. Fight Club is not that great of a movie but it's pretty good though...it's ok. As I Lay Dying makes me squeal. My wife has a twin sister...her name rhymes with cat. I have too many Norma Jean shirts. I hate the radio...well not radio's in general just the music. Bed Head products make my hair soft. My dad died of cancer. My dad is missed. Did I mention I have an unhealthy amount of zombie dreams? I rock hard so you don't have to. My dogs name is Scout. Seinfeld is on now! Pick up the new Deas Vail album! God is good. I'm done for now.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !