About Me
When you meet Melvin for the first time you'll think he's very friendly, but he can be to o friendly sometimes.Melvin was born into a wealthy family, he had a very bright future until the unfortunate accident. After tumbling down the master staircase of his parents mansion Melvin suffered severe brain damage and was placed into a school for "special" people where he grew up. Melvin was a good boy and was very polite to people and other students, always helping and keeping busy with class work . He was always smil ing and making other people laugh .After Melvin reached puberty , things got out of hand, he loved girls and wanted to kiss and touch them all the time. Melvin grew in size but his mind stayed that of a child . H e became stronger and larger but kept a certain innocence about him . He became hard er to control, before long he could not be controlled at all and was a danger to the other students, especially the girls, so he was sent away to a high security hospit al.Melvin was not happy with the move . He missed his teachers and friendsespecially his pretty girlfriends. He acted out with violent outbursts and attacks on the staff and patients. He was sedated several times and made to wear a straightjacket . W hen he behaved he was allowed to play in a toy room by himself . H e played with the dolls mostly, brushing their hair and kissing them, his love for females was apparent and very disturbing, he was even seen licking the dolls. The doctors feared he was a danger to women everywhere and agreed he needed to be kept locked up indefinitely.Melvin found out and was not happy, he had a violent outburst and was heavily sedated. While being carried back to his room, he was thought to be unconscious , but he was only playing . He attacked the orderlies, knocking them out with one blow of his oversized baby-like arm . He stole their key cards, which he watched them use a million times before, and he set himself free . On the way out he found a rubber mallet and used it to beat several guards over the head. To this day, Melvin still roams free in society.Melvin wears thick glasses and carries the rubber mallet with him everywhere; his clothing changes from time to time but was last seen wearing suspenders, a bow tie, and a propeller beanie hat. Melvin is dangerous to all people, but especially women, we strongly urge you to avoid him at all costs!.. width="425" height="350">.. .. ....>.. width="425" height="350">.. ..
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My Blog
Official Morbid Melvin news
As Morbid Melvin's official keeper I am posting this blog for him to let his growing legion of fans what is new with him. As some of you know Melvin is a official cast member of the hot new show Wolfm...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:00:00 GMT
Almost time to play!!!!
It's almost time to play again this year at that haunted house I like, Deadly Intentions is fun and they pay me in cheese and crackers. My friend Creepy Clyde is going to be there, I can't wait to see...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 20:36:00 GMT
Moldy cheese feels good
I got to play with the puter again, I see lots of pretty ladies without clothes on who want to be my friend and want to play, all I need to do is give them numbers off of a plastic card, so I borrowed...
Posted by on Mon, 29 May 2006 01:02:00 GMT
I get to play with the cumputer today, the nice nurse let me after I helped here take a nap. I can't wait to play with all my new friends this year. Got to go she's waking up and I need to put cheese ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 20:59:00 GMT