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The Name Is Jessica
I'm a Heavenly Warrior.
And a Child of the Living God.
My Faith what gets me through each day.
This Life is simply preparation...
For Eternity!
I'm NOT your Typical Teenager.
I understand that Life gets Hard.
But I believe, Nothing is impossible to God.
Who I Am Now -
Hates Who I've Been:

A few years ago I was a depressed and utterly confused person. I didn't believe in anything or anyone... not even myself. I hid my unhappiness to the people I loved, and ignored my own problems. I went to parties, lied and drank... hoping to find acceptance. I lost my family and boyfriends trust.. and thought I had nothing to live for. My need for attention led me to cut my wrists and cheat on my boyfriend who I am deeply in love with. I never knew there was any other way to deal with my sadness. I was lost and felt hopeless... I became a prisoner to sin.
But Jesus Set Me Free
My boyfriend, Matt, influenced me to attend Trinity Worship Center. It was there, at the altar where I came to know a Savior who loves me and forgives me of all my iniquities. Matt and I soon rebuilt our relationship and we learned to love, trust, and forgive one another thanks to the love and sheer grace of Jesus Christ. Since then, my relationship with the Lord has grown and I have become very involved in Church. It is because of Jesus, and no one else that I am still alive and breathing today. I've learned to look at what I have with God, as a relationship... and Not a religion.
My Blessings = My Friends
Heather aka Marrriaaa
Jesse is Teetassstic
Taylor: My Soon to be Sister-n-Law
Candice is like Me: Misunderstood
Choose Life Praise Team:
Visit The Official Myspace Page:
Head Instructor: God
Manager: Jesus

Coach: Holy Spirit
And I'm Very Blessed To Be:
The Choreographer...
I love the girls with all of my heart. Teaching them has helped me grow in ways they will never know. I treasure every day of practice... And even though we've all been through tough times, we've grown through the struggles and learned to love eachother even more.
Love is Crap... My Dreams Will Be Heard.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Is Life

I have hidden Your word in my heart

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed." (John 3:16-20)

If You Don't Know - You Should

The Name is Jessica.
And I'm a Heavenly Warrior.
God is honestly my first priority.
Sometimes I stumble:
But He gets me through.
I'm not a typical teenager.
I'll be the first to tell you..Life gets hard.
But I'll also let you know:
Nothing is impossible to God.
I've been called a "Holy Revolutionary".
I feel blessed to be persecuted.
I wasn't always this way.
But I can promise - I'll never go back.

Who I Am Now Hates Who I've Been

My Past Isn't Pretty:
Before I got saved, through the blood of Jesus Christ, my life was in shambles. I was a junior in highschool, living life the way I wanted to. I partied, I drank, I flirted.. all the while, claiming to be Christian. I was lost and confused. I talked about people, and smiled to their faces. I cheated on my boyfriend (whom i am deeply in love with) and didn't care about the consequences. We fought constantly. Our relationship was headed on a downhill course towards sin and disaster. I cut my legs, wrists, and arms to try and ease my pain. I needed help, but i felt helpless. I had no faith, no guidance, no spirit, no life. I was a selfish person. More focused on material things than my own salvation. More focused on this temporary life, than eternal life.

But Jesus Set Me Free

My boyfriend, Matt, brought me to church. Trinity Worship Center to be exact. It was at the altar where I finally found peace. It was there, where together, Matt and I healed our relationship and mended the old wounds. We have learned to love, trust, and forgive one another thanks to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. I found life. I found everything I had searched for (in all the wrong places). I grew to know a Savior that loves me, no matter what I've done. He took my burdens, and He made them His own. He died, so I could live.
I am now an active member in church. I am the leader of the youth drama team and enjoy every moment of it. I'm keeping my focus on the word of God, and am staying aware of the Enemy's devices. I have built a relationship with God.. and it's my turn to minister to other teens. So they will know that by God's grace, they too.. can be saved.

My Blessings = My Friends

MattyCakes - The Love of My Life:

I've never loved another person as much as I love you. You mean everything to me and i wouldn't be who i am today without you. I dont know what i would do if you weren't in my life. You understand me so well, and you've never let me down. You treat me like i should be treated. I'm in love with you - and i always will be.

Teter will Never know What He Means To Me:

It's been what... 5 years now since you've had the "best friend" title? Sometimes it's been hard but we've made it through. Sometimes I feel like you're the only one that relates to me. Sometimes you're the only person I can talk to. You're so funny, and just such a good person. I wouldn't be who I am today without you.

Heather Elizabeth will always be my Bffl:

We've been through alot, and that's inevitable..but we've perservered. You're a true bestfriend. Cause i know no matter how many miles away you are - if i ever need anything you'll be there. Thanks for always being someone i can trust... someone who's always been by my side.

Kristin is my Best Buddy + She makes me Giggle:

I'm so thankful that God brought you back to Albany. I'm a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. And through my struggles over the past few months, you've stuck by me and been there for me. You've helped me to grow individually and spiritually. You can always make me laugh - and our sleepovers are pretty much the best. i love you like woah!

Taylor is the Coolest Kid i know:

Taylor, first i must say that you have some serious issues. lol. You really dont think sometimes but that's okay. Cause you're absolutely hillarious, and you mean alot to me. Not to mention you're Matt's little sister. You're a fun chick, and one of my best friends. i love u kiddo!

You Wish You Were As Fly As Me

Say Hello To My One & Only

You're the only one - Id be with till the end
When I come undone - You bring me back again.
Back under the stars - Back into your arms.

I'll be loving you forever..
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me, never.
Even if you took my heart, and tore it apart,
I would love you still forever.

There is no one in this world,
who could love me like you do
That is the reason that I,
wanna spend forever with you.

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Bestest Buddies

Jesse Heather Kristin Taylor Alex Katie Codey Jonathan My Blogs (View All Friends)

The drama team means the world to me. And yes, we're better than your Praise Team - by alotttt!

Yeah, Kristin is the one with the horribly muddy feet. She sunk, Jesse laughed, and I was long gone. But hey, i fell first.

We're more than friends.... no not lesbians. We're sisters...

17th Mikatas. Kristin n Alex had some difficulties in this picture, but it worked.

Warning: Newsong concerts cause extreme insanity and silly pictures. Well, apparently.

We are South Georgia's finest. Best believe it.

Highschool football games make me crazzzzy! That's me and my Teet-Teet right there. Good times..

Hey...if the kid wants to ride a big chicken in the middle of the night, im not gonna stop him, but i WILL take a picture to embarrass him later on in life.

Um, celebrity day was the junk. Say hello to Ginger Spice and the trailor trash Britney Spears. Oww!

Homecoming Pep Ralley...Me and Candice - stop drooling.

Seniors, Class of 2007. We Run This. pssshh, yeah.

Shea and I make up songs, and then we sing them over and over and laugh. She has my crown around her face, and i dunno why.

My two favorite people.. Her name is Kristin, and the fluffy one is my Gussy-Wussy Poo.


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My Blog

blah blah blah

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Posted by Choose [ L ] [ i ] [ f ] [ e ] on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:38:00 PST

So This Blog is Different. Cause I'm Different.

My secret. Well, it was a secret. The past few months... well to put it plainly, have been hell. I've tried, really hard, to figure out why I always feel  hurt, upset, angry, depressed, asha...
Posted by Choose [ L ] [ i ] [ f ] [ e ] on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:46:00 PST

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Posted by Choose [ L ] [ i ] [ f ] [ e ] on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:49:00 PST

I Will Testify To Love

All the colors of the rainbow          ;           ;         &nb.. .
Posted by Choose [ L ] [ i ] [ f ] [ e ] on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 06:07:00 PST

Distressed and Confused

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Persecution. Very Brief Lesson.

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Security In The Spirit

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Are You Prepared

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Forgiveness Of Sin (And Eachother)

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Posted by Choose [ L ] [ i ] [ f ] [ e ] on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:12:00 PST