Let's see...
Currenty I play music as a weekend warrior in The Venus Mission
The Venus Mission
( http://www.thevenusmission.com ). We are a 70's and 80's show band that put on one helluva show. Three hot ladies sing up front, while us guys back them up. Check out our original music on our myspace page,
www.myspace.com/thevenusmission I've got a few pics on myspace but there are many more on the band website.
I also put my chef skills to work managing a local restraunt kitchen during the week. It's nice and flexible work for musicians. I also cook a mean steak. Only disavantage is that the possiblity of cutting or burning yourself is a day to day hazard. But I manage to get by. There was only one show I had to play with one less finger, but it was a broken glass that was the culprit.....