Colleen profile picture


About Me

Hey there, I'm a junior at the College of Charleston. I'm a psychology major/health minor. I'd really like to finish a semester early so I can do some research and then hopefully get my Masters/PhD. at USC for experimental psychology-either in behavioral neuroscience or development. I have a wonderful dog who I think of as my own child-except better! My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years and he's the most amazing person in the world! I love being with him and my family-they're great too. That's about it---Likes: large-breed dogs/puppies, warm weather, putting on clothes right when they come out of the dryer, the other side of the pillow, people-watching, real estate, stride gum, slip n' slides, heated arguments, making "to do" lists-even though I never stick to them, yuengling light, white wines (except pino grigio), getting my hair done, drinking cold imported beer on the beach, SHOES---Dislikes: toe socks, small dogs, bratty children, cats, people that hold up class because of their never-ending questions, bitches that put their dogs in handbags, pothead hippies, parking in Charleston, dogs that wear sweaters and/or other clothing for that matter, cold weather, parking enforcers/meter maids, cooking, flippies, people that put their kids on leashes, men that drink mojitos...seriously?, water shoes, yankees who move down here and make fun of the south-if it's so bad, take your northern ass back home!!, fanny packs, men who wear stomach pouches and put their babies in it, gladiator sandals, girls that wear cowboy boots with dresses...keep checking back, I'm sure I'll come up with more

My Interests

Austin, my family, Miller, running (or trying to...), reading when I have time, concerts, going to the beach


I'm a 90's kid, and 80's, some 70's and country, not rap


The Goonies, Ntl. Lampoon's Vacation/Christmas Vacation, Mallrats, Little Children, A Clockwork Orange, Requiem for a Dream, Blow, Election, pretty much any "Brat-Pack" movie, American Beauty, classic horror movies


Disc. Health, Animal Planet, Friends, Family Guy, Entourage, Sex and the City, Still Standing, Chelsea Lately


I've really taken a liking in James Patterson and other murder-mysteries