My long-term interests include finishing my contract with the army and going back to school for a masters, or possibly getting back in the zoo field if I dont get on with a wildlife department. My short term interests are to get a nice outdoor barbeque and having a bonfire in a remote area somewhere. Also to see the ocean again soon. I miss it.
I really dig acoustic melodies; Jack Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Ben Harper, Bel Affleck, Blues Traveler, Pink Floyd, and many others but when I work out I like System of a Down.
Shawshank Redemption, Its a Wonderful Life, Forrest Gump, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
dont really watch, havent had one for years. I like nature shows, and the evening news though.
Point Counter Point-Huxley, Sister Carrie-Drieser, Heart of Darkness-Conrad, Les Miserables-Hugo, From Here to Eternity-Jones, Shogun-Clavell
Heroes are very important for every kid and my all time favorite when I was growng up was superman. Now my heroes are Joseph Conrad, Aldous Huxley, and well, lets see, lets make it someone that is alive. A political figure perhaps. Okay Im a liberal but its going to have to be John McCain. Oh and Stephen Hawking.