Take the quiz:
what type of car are you?
Muscle Car
you like it fast and loud and want everybody to know it. u have raw muscle under the hood
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
Do you like weed as much as ME!!(very nice pics!!)
hell yea BRING YO ASS!
Hell yea you'd fit right in all we do is chill and smoke and it seems like you could keep up with that pretty damn good you like to sit around all day and smoke just like us and your tolerance is high enough to handle our shit for that long so thats good hit me up and come chill you stoner you!!!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
ThIs hErE iS mI AbUeLa aNd i MiSs hEr sO MuCh i WhIsH I cOuLd bE wHiT HeR ShE wAs AnD wIlL bE My oWnY HeRo I LuV YoU GrAnDmA R.I.P 11-19-34 TO 11-19-04 ThIs RiGhT hErE Is mI cUz EnRiQuE hE Is OnE oF mY bEsTeS CuZ eVeR We bEeN tRoUgH HeLlA ShiT He hElPs Me OuT iN hElLa ShIt AnD i lUvS HiM 4 tHaTThIs rIgHt hEre iS mY LiL cUz We hAvE hElLA ShIt iN cOmMen We LuVs To MaKe fUn Of pEoPlE aNd TaLK ABoUt (CoLa NegRa LoL) BuT We Be TalKiNg AbOuT tHe StUpIeDeSdt ShIt EvEr BuT iTs Fun And I LuVs HiM 4 BeInG tHeir 4 mE.. ThIs RiGhT hErE Is My BiG CuZ MyRa ShE BeEn tRoUgH HeLlA ShIt AnD Am PrOuD Of HerE 4 SeEinG iT TrOuGh shEs ThE oNe WhO TeLlS mE To gO To cOlLeGe And To dO iT 4 mE nOt For AnY bUdDy ElEs AnD I LuVs HeRe 4 ThAt