Winter 09': Well, the Masters Degree is under my belt. I am now an official holder of an advanced degree. I have been working feverishly on "Dane Cook Saved My Life." I recently got a letter from one of the agents, offering me encouragement and asking for a new query letter in 2009. I am continuing to send out letters, so Im hopeful that something positive will happen.I have been conducting a small press campaign for my brother. He got the Star-Ledger to remove the term "Ultra-Orthodox" from its stylebook. I have one media placement so far.And I'm looking at working in press for politics again, so anyone that knows of any candidates in New Jersey that need a press secretary, let me know.I am working on my second book - "Special Ed"
May 08: The very latest top stories. My play was on stage back in March called, "Riding the Bench".
I have been using LinkedIn to reconnect with old friends and colleagues. Hopefully will find a lot of you out there. Send me an invite.
The Rest of '07: Well as you may already know from my last post - the big news was finding a job with my Best Friend, Rob at the Downtown Staten Island Council and learning a lot about sales and promotions. We hosted a Drive-In Movies throughout May and attracted around 10,000 people. We had coverage from CBS2, NY1, the Staten Island Advance, and SI Business Trends, along with sponsorships by KTU and JACK-FM.
You can still read some of the chapters, until I change it at
Congrats are still in order:
Michael Santiago Pagan congratulations on being named Press Secretary to US Senator Frank Lautenberg, you deserve it and hopefully I can come down and see you in DC soon.
Lauren Anderson, congratulations on graduating from Brown University, you are one of the most intelligent people I have the pleasure of speaking with and enjoy our conversations and friendship immensely.
Robert W. Cross, former Executive Director of DSIC, I don't believe there are accurate enough words in the English language to express my admiration, appreciation and true friendship. You are the most gifted business-sales person I have ever met. Your leadership skills and vision for creating something out of nothing is unreal. When you are ready, I would like to write the story of the DSIC with you, how you turned a struggling nonprofit, on the verge of bankruptcy into one of the most talked about, feared, and viable economic development groups in NYC.Free MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider