*N-Rod* profile picture


OBAMA/BIDEN '08!!!!!!

About Me

I am Nicole and I am awesome. The end.get your own layout here. *click here* for new layouts!

My Interests

friends, music, concerts, cats, kids, alcohol, parties, guys, traveling, GUITAR HERO, crossword puzzles, walking, storms, wine, reading, australia, amusement parks, disney world, scrabble, tanning, bingo!, the gym, being outside, and my cat.

I'd like to meet:

People who don't suck. And people from the Orlando area since I just moved here. And Eminem and Rob Dyrdek because I'm a little obsessed with both of them.


Pretty much anything but country..like: britney!!, dredg, glassjaw, eminem, jimmy eat world, sevendust, gym class heroes, linkin park, t.i., incubus, weezer, trapt, deftones, breaking benjamin, rihanna, staind, timbaland, taking back sunday, taproot, dr.dre, sublime, lostprophets, korn, tool, a perfect circle, fall of troy, etc.


Blow, Wet Hot American Summer, Mean Girls, Donnie Darko, Anchorman, Walk the Line, Knocked Up, Crazy/Beautiful...anything that can keep my attention.


Grey's Anatomy, The Hills, Rob and Big, Jon and Kate Plus Eight, King of Queens, and Big Brother!!


Catcher in the Rye and The Great Gatsby.


myself. just kidding.