Some of my influences are Andrew Gouche, Jonathan Dubose(that's correct unreal on bass.The great-one Anthony Harmon(R.I.P) much love and thanks 4lyfe. Tim Carmen(of eric clapton, gave me my first lesson.) Al Caldwell(a monster), John King, James Ross(big bra, Keith Phelps(whom everyone must hear). Angelo Martin(his solo voice is crazy) also his singing.t Paul Croupe(mr.funk)love you man. Thad Tribett,Alex Evans,Darrell Freeman,Fred Hammond,Tom Kennedy,Adam Nitti, Maurice Fitzsgerald, Oscar Dillion jr, Ethan Farmer, and "Mr. Music" Warryn Campbell, that's not everyone but I hear so much in my head. my life influences my father Curtis S. Ramsey(R.I.P), Bishop P.L Scott (R.I.P),Bishop Calvin Scott,Bishop Leo S. Lewis, Bishop Tudor Bismark,Bishop Kenneth Ulmer, Pastors Randy & Paula White, Bishop E.L. Warren, Bill & Miechele Conklin(my other family)...