Have you ever/ would you ever?
Have you ever..................?
Been in a fist fight?: yes
Swam in a pond?: nope
Played soccer?: yep
Eaten chewed gum under chairs: hell no
Played spin the bottle: yep
Stood in front of a mirror for hours: unfortunately
Talked on the phone for hours?: of course
Eaten just because you were bored: yes
Tried to time travel: yep
Watched a rated R movie: all the time
Had surgery?: no thank god
Driven a car?: oh yea
Skimboarded?: nope
Touched a snake?: heck naw
Warmed yourself by a campfire: naw
Tried to eat hot chili peppers: naw
Burned yourself on accident/ on purpose?: of course not
Walked in the rain without an umbrella?: one time
Covered up for someone who was in trouble?: plenty of times
Failed an important test?: unfortunately
Thrown a frisbee?: uh yea
Jumped in puddles?: nope
Made a clubhouse?: naw
Mowed the lawn?: naw
Shovelled snow or raked leaves?: raked leaves
Broken a bone?: naw
Farted in public in front to a large group of people: yea
Climbed a tree: nope not my forte
Fired a gun: nope never have never will
Wrote on yourself so you wouldn't forget something: naw
Had a dream that came true (literally): nope
Flown in an airplane?: yep
Carved a pumpkin?: naw
Fooled around with a metal detector: no
Breakdanced in front of a large group of people: i tempted to
Chugged a entire can of pop/ juice?: yea
Now Would you ever.................?
Clean a poorly maintained gas station bathroom: naw
Touch a shark?: maybe
Play video games for days ?: nope
Tie someone's shoe laces together?: ive did it before soooo funny
Chop down a tree?: nope
Play in the elevator by *experimenting with the buttons: heck naw
Sit on a dock and watch the waves splash against the shore?: sounds boring so im gonna have to say nope
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oh and once again FOOD
i would LOVE to meet KEISHA COLE.. and i like to meet people who have a positive attitude on life..someone who could encourage me to do positive then negative..someone to lift me up in the time of need...someone who cares a great deal about me and i care a great deal about that person....someone who knows me inside and out...knows when im happy knows when i mad..someone i can laugh with for no apparent reason..someone i just have fun with no matter what circumstance we are in..someone who can get me out of a embarrassing moment..a true friend..a best friend.....
Myspace Comments
dem franchise boys
busta ryhmes
lil wayne
lil kim
2-pac and more
alicia keys
india arie
john legend
omarion and more
john p. kee
kirk franklin
mary mary
shirly ceaser
yolanda adams and more
Myspace Layouts
menace ii society love & basketball u got served booty call beauty and the beast 40 year old virgin and plenty more stomp the yard baby boy daddys little girls norbit
will and grace
fresh prince of bel-air
the hills
laguna beach
college hill
i love new york2
Myspace Layouts
any of omar tyree
god my mother all of my brothers