I'm that guy you once saw but don't quite remember where or why. I look like a million other people - i like my jeans skinny and my t-shirts tight. I like my ears having big holes in them and yeah, i do know they're disgusting.
I'm that guy that has odd passtimes. Motorsports are probably the main one, if i'm competing of course!Plenty more that don't include drinking or smoking, cause i'm just not quite cool enough.
I'm that guy that you want to avoid. Why? Cause i have a wristbands that say 'WWJD' and 'PUSH'. And yeah, i do believe in that stuff it changed my life, for the better.
I'm that guy listening to loud music. The one who can quote the lyrics to his favourite songs. Or the one who thinks that sometimes, just sometimes, the song your listening to can tell everyone exactly how you feel.
"Fuck the haters, the assholes, the people out to get you.
Fuck the whiners, the people who cheat you.
Fuck the people who pretend to be your friend.
Fuck those who are purposely rude, those who purposely lie
Fuck the hypocrites, the greedy, the deceiving.
FUCK the people who don't appreciate you."
Liking that quote at the moment!
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