I have a boyfriend and he's amazing. We're getting married donthchaknow
I'm gonna have a baby, and i'm ok with that. So if you arent.. I really don't care. Good thing he isn't yours huh?
I talk a lot when I want to.. but most of the time I don't want to.
I work at Caudill recycling for my uncle Larry.. and it's the best job I've ever had. Be jealous you don't have an uncle as cool as mine.
I'm not a very forgiving person. Don't treat me bad and you won't have to worry about it.
I have very little patience whit people that tell me they are going to do something and then don't. So if you aren't going to do it, then just tell me so I don't depend on you for something important.
I speak before I think a lot and I tend to make people hate me. But I never said I needed more freinds anyway so I really don't care.
I don't smoke because i'm a good mom but I did and I still want to. Mmmm cigarettes.
I swear a lot.
Sometimes i'm kind of slow, but don't talk to me like i'm a child or I'll just get pissed off and be rude to you.
I hate when people lie for attention or to sound cool. If I know you're lieing I will call you out and embarrass you as much as I can. Maybe then you won't lie about something stupid again.
I'm not a fighter but there's lots of people I would like to smack around a bit. Ha too bad I would get my ass beat.
I'm not fond of spoiled brats like my cousins. They annoy me. So if you're spoiled you'll probably annoy me too.
I don't add people on here I don't already know so don't even try it if I don't know you.
People who have private accounts on here annoy me too.. i'm a nosey person and I wanna read your shit.
I am a nice person. I just don't like stupid people. But if you're good to me i'll do everything I can to help you. I promise.
I'm bad at keeping in touch with people so if you really want to be my friend you're gonna have to work at it at first. Sorry I just don't care enough to try that hard.
I'm not an overly judgemental person I swear, and if you are I probably won't like you.
I like my sweatshirt and I wear it a lot. Don't ask me to take it off because it just makes me hate you.
I have a hard time making decisions and I change my mind a lot. So if you can't handle that then leave me alone.
I don't like talking on the phone.. it's awkward and I avoid doing it, so if you call me and i'm not home I probably won't call you back. Get over it.
People who waste money they don't have annoy me and I don't like being around them.
Don't offer to buy me things. I'm not a charity case and i'll probably just get pissed off.
If i'm mad at you I will tell you. So don't ask me stupid questions like "Are you mad at meeeeee!?" because then I will be.
If you knew me in high school you don't know me now. I'm not a bad person, i'm just not the same.
If you're upset you can vent to me. That's ok. I won't tell people your secrets. I'm probably not really listening anyway.
Sometimes i'll start conversations and then just stop listening. Don't take it personal. I just have a short attention span.
I hate commercials and I flip around a lot when I watch TV. So if you can get the remote before I do I suggest you do so.
Parents don't like me so I don't want to meet yours. I have my own thank you.
I hate white people who think they're black. Just stay away from me because i'll make fun of you.
If you are a slut I will tell you so. Deal with it or stop being a slut. Your choice.
I hate it when people tell me I remind them of someone else. I do not care.
If you think you're hot shit, i'll probably tell you otherwise just to knock you down a few pegs.
Do not invite me over if all we're going to do is watch tv or sit at your computer. I can do that at home and probably enjoy it more.