I love horse riding, my horses mean the world to me. It seems like I spend half my life down at the saddle club. I love shopping and going out with my friends!!
All the mates I have left behind!!!!!!! And as usual the various celebrities!!
I love music that I can just put on in the back ground and listen to whilst I'm working. I like lots of different types of music, most infact, but i know what I dont like (Paris Hilton etc).
I love just to snuggle down and what a film with Andy, My favourite type of films are romantic comedy's, the Wedding Planner is probably my most favourite, what can I say, I'm a big softy really!!! But really I have lots of favourite movies!
I dont really have a favourite TV programme, but I spose i watch Eastenders regularly with Mum.
I read lots of different types of books, but I spose that like my films, I like romantic comedy's in books.
There are so many people in the world that influence the way that I am, but I would have to say that my biggest heroes are my Mum and my Dad. They are always they are always there for me when I need them and support me in everything I do, they like most parents have influenced my life greatly!!!