Maya Angelou and Bruce Lee...random I know. But that's me!Layout made by ECD & C0 at .
LAYOUT BY: The East Coast
Hip-Hop, Old Skool, Baby Makin' Music LOL!, Alternative, Banda, Bachata, Araby Music
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The Color Purple (It's gon' rain on yo' head!), The Last Dragon, Coming to America, The Golden Child, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, The Godfather, Scarface, Anger Management, Billy Madison (Stop looking at me swaaan)and pretty much any movie with Will Farrell in it.
Soccer,Basketball, Football...Thanks for the new and improved 1st down and line of scrimmage lines that are now on the field because I'm so blind. Gray's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, The Girls Next Door
Koran, Manga (ok stop laughing), Maya Angelou books, Can't Stop WOn't Stop, And it Don't Stop
My mommy who raised me to be the big bad lil' opinionated woman that I am!