About Me
Me... well might aswell begin where it all did!! I came out of ther womb rocking a doo rag to hold back the long greazy hair, A Bullet belt & Judas Priest tee, Combat boots & drank a bottle of Jd and punched the doc. out and now not too much has changed! I'm Metal... so that means I cant swim, dont shower or even go out in the rain, I'm a basement dwelling war mongering elf slaying chain smoking drunk and a stoner. I have long black hair (long being about half way down my back) I'm a avarage hight at 5'11'' Pale skin due to being a daysleeper. I make a living for myself by cooking. Ive been a Cook for 7 or so years now And I like to think that I'm good at it, test me if your feeling brave. Its always payed the bills and I enjoy cooking (And I always get to eat for free, Cuz a hungary cook is like a sick doctor!) I enjoy shotgunnin beers Live/loud music, Often I can be found reading somewhere. Did I mention Metal yet? Cuz I live for it! I like Women, Metal Maidens, Sisters of Steel, Chicks with tattoos, Scrape records is my favorite place in Vancouver. I belive that winter is the best time of year, I love the snow and taking longs walks when its cold out. Swordfighting intrests me, I have one broad sword (will be meny one day) Medevil times & weaponary, Norse mythology, I really want to move further north one day... canada is great but its not really what i'm looking for, I'm trying to get to W:O:A this year. If not then next year. If for some reason you are at all intrested in my religious belifes, this quote might help... "I am a nihilist by philosophy, People are often critical of this because it is inherently irrational, But what they also do not understand is that there is no argument against its validity, rather a requisite of it. those are also the same idots who have lived completely oblivious to the embarrassment and shame behind the cross, who have sacrificed all freedom, all confidence, all pride, and all human spirit in following an imaginary, useless support. Gross masses of people are dedicated to a god who begot his children on a mortal women, who calls upon his disciples to drink his blood, eat his flesh, and repent for sins perpetrated against him, with all his power manifesting in a childish fear in what lies beyond the grave. I am repulsed by the fact that of this sort are still belived in... In destroying the world witch the curches of the ages have made, We can eventually improve on our world. This time it will be fit for a new race to fill the void, from the mold of the Ubermensch, to destroy the light and behold a new dark age!" - Akhenaten.I like to say that I most closely relate to Nihilism. But i'm often hesitant to say that I'm a nihilist, becuse first and foremost I am me, And I am my own lord. I belive thats good enough for now. Should have any questions or intrest ask me! I wont bite too hard.... at first.