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About Me

I am a musician - singer, pianist, guitarist, bassist, percussionist, poet, and dj. I do not agree with the social notions of age. gender, or race, as these are only barriers where the decayed ideals of preconcieved roles can find refuge. The world is 2 diverse and our time is 2 confined 2 let the passing ideals of our measly generation consume and conform us at our very core - incredibly unique human beings. Caucasoid (or Caucasian), Mongoloid, Negroid, and in some systems Australoid, are now controversial in both technical and nontechnical usage, and in some cases they may well b considered offensive. (Caucasian does retain a certain currency in American English, but it is used almost exclusively 2 mean “white” or “European” rather than “belonging 2 the Caucasian race,” a group that includes a variety of peoples generally categorized as nonwhite.) The biological aspect of race is dscribed today not in observable physical features but rather in such genetic characteristics as blood groups and metabolic processes, and the groupings indicated by these factors seldom coincide very neatly with those put forward by earlier physical anthropologists. Citing this and other points - such as the fact that a person who is considered black in 1 society might be nonblack in another - many cultural anthropologists now consider race 2 b more a social or mental construct than an objective biological fact. make

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd love 2 b involved with a conversation btween a founder and/or spokesperson for a widespread western-based religion (Jesus Christ) and a founder/spokesperson for a widespread eastern religion (Siddhartha Guatama - Buddha). The similarities and differences between these schools of thought would b worked out firsthand - and, in a broader picture, the 2 religious avatars would realize the 1 truth that is so apparently universal in their intricate teachings...that the world's populations come and go - we are really nothing more than dust and soil, and, 2 achieve inner peace (and maybe a chance at heaven), we need only practice 2 concrete laws: Love your God, and love your neighbor - which are really inseparable. U cannot love your mother when the hatred towards your father overflows and consumes your life. In the same manner, u cannot exalt any personal truth or diety without first clearing your transgressions with those that mold who u r. Love may not b a word commonly referred 2 as a verb, but love is solidified by the actions that fulfill it.

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