1337n3ss, aim, airsoft, albert king, albino blacksheep, amd, applegeeks, athlon, b.b. king, being 1337, being a caffeind, blues, boobies, buddy guy, buttery goodness, butts, c++, caffeine, cheese, cheez-its, coffee, coke, collegehumor, computer coding, computers, counter-strike, ctrl+alt+dlt, d.o.s., de la soul, decorative edison, dismount, django reinhardt, doc martens, don hertzfeldt, drum and bass, duct tape, eclipse lights, email!, espresso, ethos, fearsome oekaki, fender, floater, flogging molly, freddie king, gaming, ganking, ganstarr, google, gorillaz, greasers, guitars, heckler and koch, homestarrunner, hot buttered funk, huge beer glasses, icq, irc, jack momma, jazz, jimi hendrix, jimmie vaughan, john mayer, jolt, kenny wayne shepherd, l33t, legos, legs, listening to music, little gamers, m.c. escher, mac hall, macintosh, mall monkeys, martian popping things, mickey mouse, miles davis, morrowind, mp3s, msn, music, my butt, natural selection, nec monitors, newgrounds, nvidia, oddtodd, old jazz, old school rap, omg, orneryboy, penny arcade, perfect pitch, performing, philosophy, pirates, plastic spoons, playing, pocket knives, pompadours, porkfry, procrastinating, psychobilly, psychology, punkabilly, ren and stimpy, reverend horton heat, robert johnson, rock, rock 'n roll, rockabilly, shiny things, skyrocket, slacking off, socom, speedy gonzales, squarepusher, sqwee, srv, steins, stevie ray vaughan, stratocasters, swiss army knives, techno, telecasters, the animatrix, the boondock saints, the clash, the living end, the matrix, the nightcrawlers, the police, the specialists, thick-guage guitar strings, trillian, tuners, twin reverbs, vumpler, webcams, weebl and bob, willem dafoe, winamp, windows xp, women, word, writing music, wtf, yahoo, your mom, lolsroyce, lmaonaide, lmaonaise, roflwaffle
Carbon-based Bipedals capable of higher brain functions. SEE: People.
Texas blues, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmie Vaughan, Squarepusher, Buddy Guy, Albert King, B.B. King, The Living End, BT, Dieselboy, AntJDB, Concord Dawn, Photek, Basement Jaxx, Common, DJ Butah P., Danny Elfman, Dire Straits, DJ Scott Brown, Django Reinhardt, Duane Eddy, Flogging Molly, Incubus, John Mayer, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Jimi Hendrix, Kraftwerk, Link Wray, MC Chris (NERD POWER!), Pearl Jam, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Reverend Horton Heat, The Supersuckers, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Ben Harper, Carl Perkins, Coldplay, and many, many more. My music collection goes on and on and on...
Star Wars (all of 'em), The Boondock Saints, The Big Lebowski, Takedown, Matrix Series, many others.
None. Don't have Cable, and I don't really find myself enjoying shows that often, even when a television is present. Although Mythbusters is pretty cool.
John Steinbeck, Voltaire, Jack Kerouac, Samuel Longhorn Clemens, a few others...
My Father, My Mother, Stevie Ray Vaughan.