[LCH] Gh0st_Preacher profile picture

[LCH] Gh0st_Preacher

Burglary: The act of illegal entry with the intent to steal.

About Me

I'm a musician, gamer, tech worker, and so much more...

Please feel free to visit my website at http://gh0st.is-a-geek.com Or message me at MurphyMacManus16 on AIM or Yahoo.

I like, uhm, stuff?

Sometimes, being happy isn't as far away as you'd think.

Recent events in my life have demonstrated that I can attain happiness and be at peace without certain individuals raining on the parade. I've got a new-found interest for many of the things I neglected over the years.

Who wants to join me in a life of excitement and fun? A life where we strip away the bonds and don't allow the negativity to leech us of what we value: the experience.

Life is pretty much a whole lot better.

Also, PWND! Or something... .. ..

My Interests

1337n3ss, aim, airsoft, albert king, albino blacksheep, amd, applegeeks, athlon, b.b. king, being 1337, being a caffeind, blues, boobies, buddy guy, buttery goodness, butts, c++, caffeine, cheese, cheez-its, coffee, coke, collegehumor, computer coding, computers, counter-strike, ctrl+alt+dlt, d.o.s., de la soul, decorative edison, dismount, django reinhardt, doc martens, don hertzfeldt, drum and bass, duct tape, eclipse lights, email!, espresso, ethos, fearsome oekaki, fender, floater, flogging molly, freddie king, gaming, ganking, ganstarr, google, gorillaz, greasers, guitars, heckler and koch, homestarrunner, hot buttered funk, huge beer glasses, icq, irc, jack momma, jazz, jimi hendrix, jimmie vaughan, john mayer, jolt, kenny wayne shepherd, l33t, legos, legs, listening to music, little gamers, m.c. escher, mac hall, macintosh, mall monkeys, martian popping things, mickey mouse, miles davis, morrowind, mp3s, msn, music, my butt, natural selection, nec monitors, newgrounds, nvidia, oddtodd, old jazz, old school rap, omg, orneryboy, penny arcade, perfect pitch, performing, philosophy, pirates, plastic spoons, playing, pocket knives, pompadours, porkfry, procrastinating, psychobilly, psychology, punkabilly, ren and stimpy, reverend horton heat, robert johnson, rock, rock 'n roll, rockabilly, shiny things, skyrocket, slacking off, socom, speedy gonzales, squarepusher, sqwee, srv, steins, stevie ray vaughan, stratocasters, swiss army knives, techno, telecasters, the animatrix, the boondock saints, the clash, the living end, the matrix, the nightcrawlers, the police, the specialists, thick-guage guitar strings, trillian, tuners, twin reverbs, vumpler, webcams, weebl and bob, willem dafoe, winamp, windows xp, women, word, writing music, wtf, yahoo, your mom, lolsroyce, lmaonaide, lmaonaise, roflwaffle

I'd like to meet:

Carbon-based Bipedals capable of higher brain functions. SEE: People.


Texas blues, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmie Vaughan, Squarepusher, Buddy Guy, Albert King, B.B. King, The Living End, BT, Dieselboy, AntJDB, Concord Dawn, Photek, Basement Jaxx, Common, DJ Butah P., Danny Elfman, Dire Straits, DJ Scott Brown, Django Reinhardt, Duane Eddy, Flogging Molly, Incubus, John Mayer, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Jimi Hendrix, Kraftwerk, Link Wray, MC Chris (NERD POWER!), Pearl Jam, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Reverend Horton Heat, The Supersuckers, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Ben Harper, Carl Perkins, Coldplay, and many, many more. My music collection goes on and on and on...


Star Wars (all of 'em), The Boondock Saints, The Big Lebowski, Takedown, Matrix Series, many others.


None. Don't have Cable, and I don't really find myself enjoying shows that often, even when a television is present. Although Mythbusters is pretty cool.


John Steinbeck, Voltaire, Jack Kerouac, Samuel Longhorn Clemens, a few others...


My Father, My Mother, Stevie Ray Vaughan.

My Blog

Guys who break into cars are morons!

Some of you might be aware of the situation I had yesterday.  Others of you may not.  This is my account of how idiotic criminals can be.And yes, this all actually happened.Yesterday morning...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 07:18:00 PST

So, this is what is is, eh?

As I move forward, I've found that some people are impossible to please. I've discovered a lot about myself and wonder why people try to cut others down so much.  But then I remember that these a...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:08:00 PST


Life.  That's what's up today.  Things have changed drastically.  I'm a new man, with a new tune to sing and new people I'm enjoying.What's there to say?  I'm alive.  And I lo...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:18:00 PST


Emo alert.I'm unsure.  I don't know.  Life has thrown me a curveball.  One that I may not recover from for a long time.  And I might end up paying a cost greater than almost any ot...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:55:00 PST

Events and such...

If you hadn't noticed, today at 00:00 I, in accordance with laws and shit, turned 19.  Is this exciting?  Not really.  Just means I've been in this house for another year and I've manag...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 06:51:00 PST


Yo!Computer is busted. Probably gonna have to reinstall windows again. I'll be back in action soon enough...I'll still be checking my email and I'll ty to check myspace as much as possible.Also, it'...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 04:56:00 PST

Woo! I'm lame!

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF: I committed suicide: I said I liked you: I kissed you: I lived next door to you: I started smoking: I stole something: I was hospitalized: I ran away from home: I got into a figh...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 07:38:00 PST

Anyone know who I am?

I wonder why I have these bouts of self-doubt.  Depression and upset.  Etc.  It's really kind of alarming how I can feel so automatically good one day, but then the next is kind of...Em...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 04:06:00 PST


So, here's the deal: I'm not really into myspace. I've joined this place just to keep tabs on people and shite. Want the real deal? Head to my deadjournal at http://www.deadjournal.com/users/gh0st...
Posted by [LCH] Gh0st_Preacher on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST