My family, drawing, Jesus, Superman, handguns, writing, computers, hiking, eating, venomous animals, non-venomous animals, old cars, summer nights, Sea Monkeys, clean underwear, chocolate, lawn maintenance, good news, halloween, cheeseburgers, bugs, cell phones, birthdays, brick houses, cats, gadgets, police sirens, new shoes, milkshakes, babies, rock and roll, robots, friends, traffic cones, money, neatly trimmed hedges, fishing, rain, fishing in the rain, fishing in the rain near neatly trimmed hedges, fishing in the rain near neatly trimmed hedges while counting money, fishing in the rain near neatly trimmed hedges while counting money folded up to look like traffic cones, fishing in the rain near neatly trimmed hedges while counting money folded up to look like traffic cones with my friends, etc
Music good yes
Superman(all), Dirty Harry, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, Planes Trains and Automobiles, King Kong (new), Shawshank Redemption, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future 1-3, Die Hard 1-3, Little Shop of Horrors, Raising Arizona, Jaws
Heroes, Smallville, Family Guy, King of the Hill, American Dad, Terminator, X-play, Ninja Warrior, any survival shows on the Discovery channels.
Stephen King, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller
Every last Serviceman and Servicewoman fighting for our freedoms at home and overseas- God bless them all for willingly doing what most of us will never have to do.