About Me
God is my source, period! I am finding myself in Him, and it is glorious. My life is a book, each page a deeper revelation, each chapter another height:
To date, I'm Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover,Cousin, Aunty and what I've come to treasure...Mommy. Jewel Jubilee Angela Ross gives a whole new meaning, I find it to be poetic in nature...fun, scary, tempting, riveting, painful, powerful, invigorating, and every other thing, good, bad happy sad....and with God as my source, the words on the page come to life......and I'm loving life...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started::
Basic About you:
Name:: Dawn Angela Ross
Gender:: 1000% FEMALE
Height:: 5'7
Eye color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Blackishbrown
Age:: 25...YIKES
Birthday:: 6/18
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Righty
Piercings:: Ears
Tatoos:: Nope
Zodiac Sign:: Gemini
Ring Size:: Not sure, ya know...
Grade:: Upper classman, grade of life
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: Yep, Daddy's friend
Do you live in the moment?: Nope, too much risks that I cannot afford
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Depends on the person
Do you have any secrets?: Yep
Do you hate yourself?: Nope
Do you like your handwriting?: It's OK
Do you have any bad habits?: LOL...a few
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Sure would
Any regrets?: A few
Do you think life has been good so far?: I certainly do
Are you confident?: To an extent
How long does it take you to shower?: Will time it and let ya know
What color is your room?: In the lavendar family
Where do you want to attend college?: Looking in to that now
Do you...?
Smoke?: Nope
Do drugs?: Again with the drugs??? RX
Drink?: Water and things of that sort...who doesn't
Go to church?: WOW...random...Yes, I go to Church
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Nope, hubby suffices
Take walks in the rain?: Not on purpose
Talk to people even if you hate them?: LOL...sure,sure....working on that
Drive?: Nope
Believe in premarital sex?: Didn't know it was something to believe in
Want to get married?: Am happily married
Want to go to college?: Sure
Want to have children?: Hit that target and going again
Sing in the shower?: Yep
Get along with you parents?: Sure do
Get along with your sibling/s?: Sure do
Color/highlight your hair?: Not often
Like coffee?: Sometimes
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: Nah
Love roller coasters?: HECK NO
Like to cook?: Recently, yes
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : Sure
Been out of the country?: Yep
Been in love?: Still am in love
Gone skinny dipping?: Nosey, nosey
Had surgery?: Nope
Played strip poker?: HEY...where do you get your nerve!
Been on stage?: Yep, loved it
Pulled an all nighter?: Geez, yes
Gone one day without food?: Yep, it's aka fasting
Slept all day?: I wish
Kissed a stranger?: Ammmmmm, I'm gonna go with no
Had a dream that came true?: Yessssss
Broken the law?: Of course not
Stolen anything?: My husband's heart
Been on radio/tv?: TV, ages ago
Been in a mosh-pit?: Nope
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes, what is that all about?
Gone out of state?: Yep
Live in other states?: Soon time
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: At one time??!! Nooooooo
Had a movie marathon?: Yep, great fun
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: When I was FIVE!
Been on a plane?: Certainly
Ran into a wall?: LOL, Yes
Been rejected by a crush?: Never dat
Cried in public?: Yep
Cried over a movie?: Yep....good writing and acting moves ya
Pranked called someone?: Heck yes
Gotten a cavity?: Yes, painfully so
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: A few times
Broken a bone?: Nope
Fallen from a tree?: Nope, I'm a great tree climber
Passed out?: Yep
Been to a theme park?: Yep
Eaten sushi?: Nope
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi (thanks Dee)
McDonalds or BUrger King:: Burger King
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Depends
Black or White:: What? Black or white??? what the heck??
Burgers or Hot dogs:: Depends
Boxers or breifs:: Depends
Book or magazine:: DUDE...it d*e*p*e*n*d*s!!
TV or radio:: Good grief...
is the glass half empty or half full:: The glass is empty, Jew spilled the contents
sun or moon:: WHAT!
hot or cold:: Hot or cold WHAT!!??
romantic comedy or thriller:: Finally, Romantic comedy
waffles or pancakes:: HELLO!! I don't know
Florida or california:: Cali is calling, heck, every where is calling
Black and white or color photos:: Black and white
The city, the beach, OR the country:: Country, please
Tennis shoes or sandals:: Shucks, I give up...Tennis shoes
Sweet or sour:: LOL....I don't know
Private or publie school:: According to Hubby, private all the way
Cappuccino or coffee:: Both
English or history:: English..
Science or math:: Science
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: Have you seen my kid
in magic?: Nope
in God?: YES...the reason I even live
in Satan?: Don't believe in him, but I know he's real
in ghosts?: Holy Ghost?
in luck?: Nope
in love at first sight?: Again, have you seen my kid?
in Santa?: Jolly guy in a red suit...I'll pass
in the Easter Bunny?: What now?
in witches?: LOL...Oh boy
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Certainly do
in wishing on shooting stars?: Nah
that cussing is a necessity in life?: WOW!!! No, I do not believe in this, LOL
yourself?: I have to
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: Nope
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: I'm thinking no
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: That would be nice
What is worst about the opposite sex?: Not looking for the worst
Who and when was your first crush?: Wha?
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: Clothes
What are you worried about?: Things God wants to handle
What book are you reading?: Kiddie book
What time is it?: 8 something
Are you bored?: No
Are you tired?: A bit
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: Nope
Are you lonely or content?: Very content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: The singing in my head
The Last...
Dream you had:: Something about Shaq and Jew
Nightmare:: LOL...won't go there
Time you cried:: Yesterday
Movie you watched:: Shark Tales (with Eddie and Dee)
Movie you rented:: Rented?
Book you read:: Book....???
Word you said:: Great
Time you laughed:: Few minutes ago
Person to call you:: Toni (and I MISSED her)
CD you played:: Mixed
Song you listened to:: A song on the mixed CD
annoyance:: Certain folk
IM sent or recieved:: I? Whatnow?
Time you yelled:: Been a while
Person you yelled at:: Oh, it's coming back...PAUL!!
time you were a skirt:: Last week
time you fought with your parents:: Fought? It's been a while
Time you wished on a shooting star:: Been a while
Thing you ate:: A cookie
Time you showered:: This morning, why?
Nail polish color worn:: Light pink
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: I dunno
Restaurant:: Where they have food!
Season:: Fall
Type of weather:: Fall weather
Emotion:: LOL...my favorite emotion??
Color:: Pink...but green is sneaking in there
Perfume:: Guess gold
Candy:: Ross or Kinsale
Pizza topping:: Sausage
Fruit:: Strawberries
Veggie:: Carrots
Type of cake:: Quite a few
Magazine:: Parenting
TV Show:: Not sure
Day of the week:: Days with the fam
Month:: Whatttttttt!!??
Holiday:: Christmas
Number:: 18
Sport to watch:: Dunno
Flower:: Lily
Time Finished:: 8 something
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