hmm, wot can i say. Firstly, IM not perfect, my lifes not perfect, but im so lucky and happy with wot iv got!
i think u should do wot makes u happy and b with ppl hu make u happy, so 4 me, my life revolves around singing as loud as i can whether i no the words or not, dancing as if everyone is watching, smiling at everyone i c, and spending my time with my family, heather, ben, elliott, katie, fay, jeni and helena!...and the rest of my chums! :)Ppl can say wot they like, it mite b tru it mite not, these ppl hu just talk about others and spread rumours about them r so full of themselves and up their own bum that they cant c they've made their own mistakes, because cum on, hu hasnt!?But to everyone iv ever hurt im truely sorry!!
let go of regrets, and just learn from these mistakes.Rest of my life, here i cum! :-)
56 Random Questions:
1. What's your middle name? Sandra
2. Do you have, or have you ever had, braces? Nope
3. What color is your hair? Browny blondy
4. How tall are you? 5 foot 5 inches...mayb 6
5. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Feloula
6. What state do you live in? Codicote ?
7. Favorite color? Red
8. Favorite song? mmmbop
9. Favorite band/artist? of course subversion
10. Favorite animal? Carrie, my dog
11. Favorite movie? never remember wot iv seen
12. Favorite store? atm, Bay
13. Favorite restaurant? atm, Prezzo
14. Favorite holiday? Tenerife, or a particular year in wales
[This or That]
15. Sun or Snow? SUN!
16. Monopoly or Life?
17. Silver or Gold? White gold
18. Spring or Fall? How american is this!??? Fall, cos my bday is in it
19. Surfing or Skiing? Surfing
20. Comedy or Horror movies? Comedy
21. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. P
22. Dog or Cat? Dog
23. Car or Truck? Car
24. Roller or Ice Skating? Ice ice baby
25. What's the most recent movie you've seen in theaters? 28 days later....shit!
26. How many times a month do you go to the movies? 1 or 2
27. Have you seen Titanic? not the ship, sunk didnt it?
28. Do you like Tom Cruise movies? Top Gun all the way!
29. Do you like romantic comedies? sumtimes
30. You've seen Napoleon Dynamite haven't you? course
31. Who was the last person you watched a movie with? Ben
32. Do you eat cheeseburgers? yep
33. Have you ever eaten Spam? dnt think so
34. Are you a vegetarian? nope
35. Sonic or McDonald's? McDonalds
36. What do you usually get at Sonic? lost....dnt think iv been there
37. How do you like your pizza? in ma belly!
38. If you had to eat one type of food for a month straight, what would it be? the yummy type
39. Do you prefer Chinese or Mexican? Chinese
40. Do you like Kool-Aid? that would b telling
41. What's your least favorite food? ............... ................................thats a toughy
42. Do you eat any green vegetables? ya ha!
43. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? heather
44. Who was the last person you talked to on the computer? James Powell
45. What was the last thing you ate? jam on toast
46. What was the last book you read? do not remember
47. What was your last job? colanders...'the specialist cookshop for every occasion' :-)
48. Who was the last person you said you loved? me mum
49. Who are your best friends? heather, katie, fay, jeni, helena, ben and elliott
50. Of all your friends, who has been your friend the longest? Lucinda
51. Newest? Leonie
52. Funniest? Eddie and Sloany wen they're with the lusc
53. Nicest? They're all nice...or probs wouldnt really b my friend
54. Most honest? Helena
55. Weirdest? im not 2 sure
56. Which of your friends lives the farthest away? Danny and David
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