Hey everbody....my name is Jimbo Jangles. I'm just a simple good ol' boy just lookin fer good times and shenigans. I am proud of my White Trash heritage and just wanted to use the internets ta show people that not all White Trash folks are stoopid and raceist morans...some of us hillbillys are jest plain stoopid...but awfully likeable none-tha-lest.
I been missin fer a while now but I'm back un I seem a be feelin mighty fine. Well, sept for that shootin pain in that speshul place when I turn my right foot ouy while walkin up a hill...but you know, it can't all be all potted meat and pork skins all tha time now can it?
Anything else ya wanna know...just shoots me an email and I'll get back to ya when Momma aint on the phone line and I can dial up!