things I love -
my husband,my stepson, my twin who is all of me and half of me, my very special little brown boy who is wearing a polkadot neck tie and an occasional hat!1940's & 1950's glamour, kidskin gloves, scarves, flowers in my hair, waist cinchers, burlesque, ladies on horses, Bobby Darin, old ladies wearing buns and pink lipstick, red lipstick on me, nipple tassels on other people, the wind blowing my hair, red wine, red wine oh and did I say red wine, tattoos, drawing,
painting, cooking for friends and not for a living, cream paper, black hair dye, old photos, new photos, sleeping with the window open and hearing people getting on with life that you are no part of, window shopping, people watching, kissing, dancing in my shop at 3am when I am meant to be in bed, being in bed, seamed stockings, what katie did, watching films with a blanket over me,
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