I'm adorable and no one can resist my cuteness. My big brothers name is Peanut. He'll fuck your world up. (I also like chewing on tiny rawhide sticks)
**NEW**My broken foot is okay now. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Don't worry, I'm still as sexy as ever.**
**July-August: I broke my foot in four places while my Mom and Dad were away on there anniversary vacation. I'm sneaky like that...I thought they'd come home, but nooo...The nice people taking care of me said it was unnecessary.
I will have my little red cast on for 6 weeks total, but I only have about 4 weeks left now. Mom and Dad let me sleep in the bed with them every night and Dad carries me up and down stairs every day, so livin' ain't bad. Not to mention Mom has given me a few cashews under the table...**