.: i mAy nOt b pErfEcT..buT iM aLwAyS mE:. profile picture

.: i mAy nOt b pErfEcT..buT iM aLwAyS mE:.

.:i tHinK i'M iN LovE:.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

i'm kinda happy go lucky gurl..luv to make new frenz. talkative and luv to put pranks on frenz... hehehe... luV musIc sOO much.. liSten tO anY kiNd oF mUsiC.. haTe beTrayal cOz experiEncEd it.. soMetImeS pEopLe thInk i'm haPPy but noT tOO hEpY..
Basic Survey [ 87 questions]
** basics **
Name:: NoR AzLinA
Nickname:: iNa..LyNa..LyNN.
Location:: ~~dEniSe cIty..wHerE?~~
Gender:: gUrL~~
Birthplace:: kEdaH~
Birthstone:: hmm...
Birthday:: 09 FebRuaRi 87
Sign:: AquAriuS !!!~~
Righty or Lefty:: rIgHty
Screenname:: AzLinA
** your looks **
Height:: ~~hMM~~
Weight:: vERy hEavy~~aHaHaHa
Shoe size:: 8++
Hair Color:: bLaCk+maRoOn+Brown..ngeee~
Hair Length:: LonG LayErEd!!
Eye Color:: bRowN~~
Size:: u dont wanna noE!!~~
Glasses:: nOpe~
Braces:: noPe~~
Piercings:: usEd to~~
Tattoos:: nOpe~
** fashion **
Where do you shop:: EvErywHere [ u won't believe iT]
What do you usually wear:: aNytHin iN ma cLosEt
What kind of shoes do you wear:: hills+sandels+spOrt shoes~~
Do you wear a watch:: RECENTLY~
Color you never wear:: gReeN
Color you wear at least once a week:: bLaCKK!!!!~~
Something you wear everyday:: baby shirt i tink~~
Do you wear make up everyday:: nOpe~~
Make up essential:: sUmTimes~~
Most cherished piece of clothing:: aLL mY bLacK sHiRts~~
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: sKirts!!heee~~
Do you wear belts:: yuP~
Do you wear hats:: iF i hv tOO!!
How many pairs of shoes do you have:: tOnSS~
** music **
Favorite kind of music:: eVerythIn oN earth~~
Least Favorite:: hmm~~
How many CD's do you have:: LOtss~~
Last CD you bought:: sUm cOmpiLation oF eveRytHing~
Whats in your CD player right now:: urMmm~~
Do you download music:: hELL yEAHH~~
** Favorites **
Color:: bLack+piNk+puRpLe+wHiTe!!
Number:: 2+7+9
Season:: suMMer aLL aRoUnd~~
Ice cream:: vAniLLa + cHoc chip...
Website:: www.myspace.com/azlina ...heee~~
Quote:: u hv probs is it? noNe of my biZnEss!!huhu:p
Store:: anywhere i can shop is my fav!!
Band:: hee..so many Lor~~
Singer:: i juz luv eVery1~~
Rapper:: eMinem, fAt Joe~~
Group:: hMm~~
Song:: puMp iT!! + cHeck On it by BeyonCe
Movie:: 50 1st date, baIk puNyA cIlok n damm sOO many moree!!
Actor:: ToM cRuisE,RosYaM nOr~~
Actress:: eRrA faZirA ,julia roberts,++ many mooooorreee!!
Kind of movies:: cOmedies, romantic comedies...
Place to be:: any shOppIn aRea wiLL do~
Time of day:: nite Lor~~ sucH not a morning person!!
Clothing Brand:: aNytHin dat can fits me in!!~~
Animal:: caTS, rabbits [ i juz an animal lover!!]
Food:: hee...
Holiday:: any holiday wiLL do!!
Shape:: hmm...
Restaraunt:: hmm...
Fast food place:: mcD's +kfc
Boy's name:: passss~~
Girl's name:: passs~~
Word:: bAbeH!!
Month:: fEbRuaRy!!
Candy:: LoLLiPop!!
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference:: hmm..
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: hmmm..
Crush:: hmmm.
Do you believe in love at first sight:: hmm...yeAh..
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: urMmm!!
Best physical feature:: hmmm...
Best hair color:: bLacK
Best eye color:: bRoWn
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails:: yUp~~
What color is your tooth brush:: PuRpLe!!
What's on your desktop:: sUm dePressED gUrL piC!!
Do you like roller coasters:: hELLL yeAh!!!
Do you do drugs:: nOpe n never!!!
Are you a virgin:: oF cOurSe yUp...
Do you have any pets:: yuPP...5 cats!!~~
What time do you go to sleep:: dePends oN ow many caFFein did i taKe dat day!!~~
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Your Icecream Flavour is...
Choc-Chip Cookie Dough! You are fancy shmancy! You have all the bells and whistles and you attract the most gluttonous of ice-cream shop patrons. You are fattening and intensely rich. That being said, you are very tasty and have a huge fanbase! good for you! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz black;'Accurate
Z Zippy
L Legendary
I Industrious
N Normal
A Appreciative
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream! Smooth and creamy with a few rough bits mixed in, you are a real treat! You are probably very popular amongst your friends. Remember too much of a good thing is not always good! Don't lay it on too thick! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz
How to make a NoR AzLinA
1 part mercy
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts instinct
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little emotion if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


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