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i love to listen to music and sing along (not too well lol)i want to be fit and i try but i lose faith to easy but i really enjoy to workout its just finding the time and energy after a day running around after the lil ones. i like f1 like i say above iam a ferrari fan and one day would like for me and kev to go away and see a race !! kev already has and its not fair lol :( i like the odd night out with vicki she is my best friend ive know her for 10 yrs almost and she is fab i dont know what i would do without her! oh and our vino nights were we take stupid pics that look sooo funny!
on myspace i want to meet friendly people who are nice ! i dont want to meet people who add you to there list to bump there friends up and then just ignor you !! its just rude. i would of loved to meet marylin monroe she was wonderful.i really admire her.And ive met these babys below the lovveelly maroon 5 :)
right let me see .....coldplay,maroon 5,bon jovi,journey south,red hot chili peppers,no doubt,the zutons,mary j,kanye west,pharrell,p,c,d,beyonce,destinys child,tlc,nelly furtardo, guns and roses,oasis,when i was 13 i loved the backstreet boys and because of that they are in here !!whitney houston,,the verve, ohhh so many more! i have a very open taste when it comes to music! if its a good song i will listen to it i dont care who sings it so long as u can bop to it lol
lots of old goldie hawn films, i love housesitter,overboard,private benjiman,death bacomes her i love em all i love love love pirates of the carribean 1&2 titanic,pretty woman,now and then,my girl ahhhhhh,friday,nxt friday, big mommas house,lethal weapon 4,american pie 1,2,3,4,forest gump,panic room,the hand that rocks the cradle,the goonies,drop dead fred,jack and sarah,speed,face off,con air,the longest yard,the new charlie and the choc factory is fab,wedding crashers,hide and seek,monster in law,the wizard of oz, chitty chitty bang bang,mary poppins,i love monsters ink, toy story ,robots,finding nemo,shrek, all of em !!! i have kids !! whats ur excuse lol there is so many more but i carnt think of them
i think lost is fantastic by far the best EVER show on tv, i love love love one tree hill,friends is amazing , the sopranos i love that too,sex and the city,hustle,ally mcbeal,desparate housewies, the apprentice,eastenders,er,my name is earl,anything with peter kay in it,americas next top model,i love neighbours !!!! no really tho, big brother ,bad girls,location location location, wire in the blood, afterlife i think is the best thing on british tv at the moment i love it, and i do watch the x factor ! formular 1,and top gear i love that it rocks and its also very funny lol and i have a new found love for viva la bam it rocks don vito is ssoooo funny oh and phil and ape rock my world and i love bam! and bams unholy union is fab lovin bam and missy :),jackass ! lol i think i watch too much tv hehehe
helen forrester two pence to cross the mersey,and the 3 books that follow on this story are the best things i have ever read ! being jordan, jordan the second part of her story,marylin monroe biography,josephine cox, sharon osborne autobiography,charlotte bingham,marian keyes.
my partner kev we have been through so much together xxxxxx marlyin monroe is my idol! i think she was amazing!