Bollen AKA B profile picture

Bollen AKA B


About Me

Yo! Well... I am a twenty-one year old guy from Aarhus, Denmark. Where I also work! In my spare time I spend most of the time on American HipHop or Danish Rap/hiphop, specially the local underground rap-scene! So music is more or less my hobby! Other than that I like cool rides , bikes, tattoos, graffiti etc.! Besides that I am a pretty open-minded fellow who are loving life and all that comes with it! Thanks for stopping by... Take care!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Rick James Biaaaaatch (well he is dead so that might be hard)...I got the internet goin' Bawlin!


90% of the time I listen to Rap/HipHop, mostly Dansih rap or American Rap/Hiphop/breakbeat! I am in love with music, but for me music needs good lyrics before i really like it (with a few exceptions though) But I also listen to everything from Bob Dylan to Guns'n'Roses, to Johnny Cash or Rammstein! Much much much more then I can mention here.... I LOVE MUSIC!


Damn theres a of lot of movies... all the godfather pictures are great, but I must say that Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas is one crazy motherfucker, and what a cool movie! Also here lots of things.... from American history x to Trainspotting etc.!


I am almost trough with that s*it, I have been a TV Junkie but there are better things in life than television, but of course I watch some programs, mostly the news! But if I have to mention something... Crappy Danish series, The Sopranos and Prison Break... well also when Banjos Likørstue still was rockin' on DR!


Not much of a bookreader, but Benny Andersen is a cool writer! I dont own the calmness to sit down for a lot of hours, reading! The last book I have bought was Rune Skyum-Nielsen's book about Dansih hiphop Culture, a really nice book to read...with a lot of cool pictures also!


I get inspired from everything and everyone, and I admire the things I get inspired of! But I must say that my beloved big brother holds the title as my "hero", if anyone!

My Blog

Kanye West - Graduation

Kanye West - "Graduation" .. Så er Kanye West færdig på skolen og albummet "Graduation" blev udgivet samme dag som 50 Cents "Curtis" - den 11.september. Der har været meget snak om salgst...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 02:47:00 PST

Snoop Dogg på Skanderbrizzle

Snoop Dogg på Skanderborg Festivalen .. Det første hiphop act og samtidig det største act på Skanderborg, var ingen ringere end Snoop Dogg. Efter en god solskinsfyldt torsdag på Skanderbo...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:38:00 PST

The Game koncert i Lille Vega

Anmeldelse af The Game koncert i Lille Vega 17/7.   Varm Aften  Lunken Game   Så oprandt dagen hvor The Game for tredje gang på dansk jord skulle give koncert. Det var første gang, at j...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:28:00 PST

Gisli "Kisses From A Bastard"

Gisli: "Kisses From A Bastard"   Efter en del features på diverse udgivelser i det danske musikmiljø, udgav dansk-islandske Gisli sidst i marts hans første egentlige album. Og det må siges at v...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:14:00 PST

Review af Redman i Amager Bio

På en lun fredag aften i April havde's to udsendte teamet op, for at anmelde noget, der meget vel kunne gå hen og blive årets hiphopkoncert!  i hvert fald, hvis man tager kunstneren i betra...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:11:00 PST


MARWAN  P.E.R.K.E.R.   Noget af det første MARWAN beretter om på intronummeret "Ruller Op" er at man skal "la' vær' at misforstå" og det er svært til tider. For lad det være sagt fra starten a...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Wed, 02 May 2007 10:48:00 PST

Hvid Sjokolade Remaster

Her for nylig fik jeg de 2 remasterede Hvid Sjokolade albums: "Så'n Er Vi" (1996) og "Levende Poeters Klub" (1997) ind ad døren. Da jeg har hørt de 'gamle' albums hundredvis af gange, lod jeg dem ligg...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Wed, 02 May 2007 10:46:00 PST

eMC anmeldelse

En kold aften i december skulle jeg ind på Train for at anmelde en koncert med gruppen eMC. Jeg vidste dårligt noget om dem, udover de 4 numre man kan høre på deres myspace side, samt at gruppen er be...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 04:43:00 PST

Gug Tang Clan

En dag i Oktober drog jeg til Nordens Paris, også kendt som Ålleren aka Ålborg. Jeg skulle interviewe Gug'sterne, nærmere betegnet det berygtede crew: Gug Tang Clan. Dagen efter en god tur i Ålborgs b...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:47:00 PST

Gynt anmeldelse!

En lørdag aften midt i september satte jeg mig til rette som tilskuer i musikhuset Århus, på programmet stod der GYNT, en kombination af rap og comedy! Hvad jeg kunne forvente af sådan et teaterstyk...
Posted by Bollen AKA B on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:39:00 PST