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I am here for Friends

About Me

This is the tough bit... I'm a loner, but don't take that the wrong way... People have negative associations with solitude but I like (& choose) to spend much of my time alone. I need to do so - I don't really know why. If I don't get to withdraw regularly I feel like I'm screaming inside and my thoughts turn into a mental chaos. Yet I do love talking to people and hearing their maddest thoughts... I don't judge - in fact I am probably one of the most open-minded people you will ever meet... and I am 'open' in the sense that I am very honest - my blogs prove that. I often surprise myself with my moments of happiness. They come about from a sunset, people I Love being nearby (but not in a suffocating way), and Cats resting their heads on my lap. I'd like to live forever - because I feel I have so much to learn but so little time. Oh, and I quite like Astrology... but not the silly things you read in the paper - I mean the exact science... Just for info, I have three planets in Aries which explains my fiery side (Mercury, Venus & Mars). My Sun is in Taurus, my Moon is in Leo and my rising sign is Gemini.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who have figured it out and are back in touch with their inner child (for that was when time seemed to be endless... but in a good way).I like to get in to the 'core' of a person's psyche and have them do the same to me. If you enjoy this kind of mental bonding then we'll get along fine :)

My Blog

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