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Got Me A MODEL...!!!!!

Got Me A Model!!!!................

About Me

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My Interests

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Name: Marco
Nicknames: COZY
Birthday: Jan. 11
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, and wavy...
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'11-6'0 One of them.....
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Status: Hella Single
Graduation Year: 2003...... "03!!!!
Movie: The Notebook
TV Show: It wan Alias.... Now its Stargate SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis
Color: Almost any kind Blue
Food: Toast with Grape Jelly
Drink(Non-Alcoholic): Green Tea
Drink(Alcoholic): Patron
Scent: Lavender
Sport: Track
Cartoon Character: Taz
Store: Hollister
City: Saint Louis
Vacation Spot:
Band: Black Eyed Peas
Song: "Complicated" by Nivea on her Complicated CD
Football Team: Rams
Basketball Team: Mid '90 Chicago Bulls
Baseball Team: Cardinals
NCAA Team:
Animal: Lions
Magazine: The Sourse
Candy: Caramel
Restaurant: TGI Friday's
Jewelry: Diamonds
Day of the Week: Saturday
Ice Cream Flavor: Butter Pecan
Number: 11
Your Best Friend: Candice Smith
Your Shoulder to Cry on: Candice Smith
Do You Have More Girl or Guy Friends: I hang with a lot of girls........
Who do You Consider a Sister: Candice Smith
Who do You Consider a Brother: Jonathan Clinkscale
Who Knows All Your Secrets: Candice Smith
Do You Have An Enemy: Don't know, but they know better not to show themselves....
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Unfortunatly, No one in my life......
Do You Like Someone: Yeah im diggin somebody....
Been in a Car Wreck: NO
Been Arrested: YES
Broken the Law: YES
Been Skinny Dipping: YES
Been in Love: I don't know.....
Smoked: Not Cigarettes......
Drank: YES
Been High: AS A KITE
Been Kicked Out of School: When i was in 2nd grade......
Skipped School: Yeah
Failed a Class: Yeah
Broken a Bone: My Arm when i was like 14
Shoplifted: Shamed to say......but never did it again....
Tried to Intentionally Hurt Someone: I do have a temper......
Fell Asleep in Class: Hell Yes
Been in a Fight: Not to many, Im liked by many......
Been Out of the US: Not yet......
Had Surgery: Yeah.... Had Numonia when i was like 13.....
Spent the Night in the Hospital: Yeah
Snuck Out of Your House: When i was a teenager
Lied to Your Parents: Everyday
Showered at Someone of the Opposite Sex's House: Yeah
Saw Someone Die: Naw
Had a Near-Death Experience: Yeah, when i had Numonia
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Yeah man.... I got
Had a Broken Heart: Yeah man...... but its cool though..... I learned from it.....
Broke Someones Heart: Yeah man.... But I've grown up.....
Cried Over The Opposite Sex: Damn this stuff is deep.... but yeah man
Played a Game Requiring the Removal of Clothing: Yeah.... I have nothing to hide
Laughed Until You Cried: Love it when i do that
Slept Under The Stars: You know what I have and it was cold as hell!
Mooned or Flashed Someone: Nothing to hind.... Yes!!!
Killed an Animal: I hate to admit, but yeah
Prank Called Someone: When I was hella young
Slept in the Same Bed as the Opposite Sex: Yes
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: This girl named Heather Dison..... I was like 11.....
Kiss: About two weeks ago.....
Car: White Ford Explore
Trip Out of Your State: Mississippi
Job: The St. Louis ZOO
School: Buttons and Bows Pre-School
Trip to a Beach: Never been to one
Celeb Crush: Guilty Pleaser....... Ask me yourself.....
Best Friend: Christopher Stomer
Pet: My dog named Jason..... Somebody stole him......
True Love: Brittani Buford..... Damn I had it bad for her.......
Time You Were Out of Your State: April 2005
Movie You Saw at the Theater..(With Who): The Omen (2006)
Person You Talked to on the Phone: Shawn...... Don't Ask......
Song You Heard: Omarion "Ice Box"
Broken Heart: December 2005
Thing You Ate: Oatmeal Cream Pie
Thing You Drank: Lipton Green Tea...... Got to keep it somewhat Healthy
Person You Hugged: My borther Jonathan Clinkscale
Shower: Ealier today.....
Show You Watched on TV: Power Rangers
Trip to a Mall: Two Days Ago.....
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You are very successful in life and are always planning for the future. You are probably already in a committed relationship and enjoy the intimacy that comes with your lovemaking. You are direct with your lover about what you like and you like it when they are direct with you. You have excellent sex, because you make sure that it’s a custom fit for yourself. Sex matches: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio
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What Olympic Sport Are You?

Athletics is, in many ways, the embodiment of the Olympic motto, Citius, Altius, Fortius, meaning faster, higher, stronger.Athletics (or track and field) is about running faster, jumping higher and throwing further than your competitors. The ancient Games at Olympia began simply with foot races, only occasionally complicated by dressing the runners in infantry armour or making them carry soldiers' shields. Today, athletics remains one of the most popular Olympic sports. From the 100m dash to the 42.195km marathon, from the hammer throw to the high jump, it contains many of the Olympic Games' blue-ribbon events
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